Chapter Two

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"Good morning Ms. Dalton"
I hear a familiar voice, shoes clicking as someone walks past me gracefully. Turning on my heels to face the man with the husky voice, I'm shocked to see that it's Mr. Styles. He is wearing a new blue black suit, his hair styled the usual. I'm shocked by how mature he dresses for his age. It suits him.. He doesn't look like a wannabe and that's a plus point. Going back to the topic, he has never ever greeted someone before they have and this has been the third time he has done that this week after I denied to follow his outrageous and unbelievable terms. To be honest, Im starting to feel like he is trying to gain my trust in him with some sort of persuasion technique but it's not going to work. I would not and will not ever lower my self esteem for a title. Even if it means that I'll have to be jobless and a hobo. Yes, I just said hobo.

Feeling my face go warm, I gulp loudly. Let me make it clear that gulping loudly is my habit when I'm nervous or in shock mode. You'll be seeing a lot of that for a long time, I promise.

"Morning Mr. Styles"
I politely, try my best not to sound like terrified or nervous but I automatically drop my head down and I swear I can feel him staring at me. Maybe it's the way I reacted? It's hard to stop overthinking so much.

"Did you receive my email?"
Mr. Style questions, slowing down with his eyes glued on me. He plays with his keys, tossing it around in his large hand. I suddenly feel butterflies flying around in my stomach and I look up to make eye contact with him with confusion.

"What email?"
I blurt out and right then, I know how disrespectful I sound but I can't take it back. I'm just extremely confused at the moment. What letter is he talking about? I haven't checked my email since yesterday afternoon and I don't recall coming across any business related emails.

"I'm considering rearranging my employees.. You know, for a change"
Mr. Styles shoots me a side smile and with that, he proceeds towards the nearest elevator, my eyes following him until the doors of the compact room close shut. What is this man thinking? If he thinks that this is a good way to persuade me to agree to his terms, it's not. I have absolutely no interest in becoming reckless for a better title. I also have no intentions to have any sort of sexual contact with my boss. Don't get me wrong, he is a very elegant and good looking gentleman for his age but I'm not into doing my bosses. Never have, never will. I've been working here since last year and not once have I come across such a bizarre situation with my boss and never have I ever heard anything like this happen to any of the other female employees here. What if he is lying about it all? What it I'm the only one he has come to decide to sleep with? What if it's just that I'm his type and that's why he finds it important to go through sleeping with me? I can't stop thinking of the possibilities.

I have no courage to ask any of the female workers. What if it's actually a made up story and they'll think I'm just utterly weird? What if it's true and since they are forbidden to speak of it, they'll lie to save themselves? No.. I can't force myself to ask anyone. Walking towards my desk, I observe the room for people I have the courage to go up to to ask about this surprising email and soon, my eyes land on new male employee.. He is very polite, open and welcoming. He is seated behind his desk, going through a bunch of files swiftly. Walking towards him, I take a deep breath and think of ways not to make it sound as I only come to him when I need him. But isn't that true? A lot of people live by that rule. If they serve you no purpose, drop them. I try my best not to go by that rule but this time it's an exception. I need to figure out what the deal is with my abnormal boss.

I speak unsurely, his light brown eyes finding me. Kneeling down to his level, I lick my lips and wait for a reply impatiently.

"Hello Ivy"
Andrew smiles, my lips widening to form a smile with relief that I got his name right. There are so many employees here that it even goes to point of forgetting your own name. Andrew sets aside the files gently and looks up at me, waiting.

"Did you by any chance receive a letter of a meeting with Mr. Styles today?"
I question, my voice soft and timid as I look at him with confusion. Andrew's eyebrows form a frown and he pouts, shaking his head from side to side and my heart immediately drops. Am I the only one invited to attend this 'meeting' of two? Is this a game I've been unconsciously forced into? Does my boss feel as if he can find my weaknesses? Shaking my head in disappointment, I mouth a thank you and walk away quite in shock. My tongue is tied and I don't know what to think.. Does this man have a power over me so quickly?

Walking over to my desk, I grab a bunch of useless sheets of paper just so I look like I actually have something to do with Mr. Styles. I can't help but think that people are already suspecting things.

This is the moment when the braveness buried deep inside me is dug out. Heading towards the elevators, I push the button to go up. Looking down at myself, I make sure that there are no folded or torn sections. Yes, I know how obsessed I am with looking normal. It's hard when you look like a coward amongst a zillion elegant workers. Once the elevator doors open, I force myself in and press the last floor button. This has to be dealt with before it goes any further. I can't contain my nervousness every other day for the rest of my days working here. I take multiple deep breaths as I watch every floor pass until the very last one, my ears actually blocked. That doesn't even matter but I just had to distract myself. Once the doors open, and I step out, I'm exposed to the same quietness. Walking on my tiptoes instead of my heels to prevent the creation of noise, I head towards the meeting room. This time, I push the button the door bell installation provided. Without even thinking, I push open the heavy doors and I'm even more shocked than I thought I would be. Mr. Styles isn't the only living presence in the room. There are at least ten female employees seated behind a long table leading towards Mr. Styles.

"We've been expecting you.. Please take a seat"
Mr. Styles turns towards my direction, speaking politely and motions towards the nearest chair to him. Not the nearest chair to me, but to him. What is this man up to? I obey, feeling my heart pounding out of my chest and I take a seat beside Mr. Styles himself. I've never been this close to him. I smell the scent of his cologne. It's very soft and soothing that it almost makes me fall asleep. I look around and I realize how every female employee here is unfamiliar to me and every single one of them has her eyes on me with some sort of hatred. I can't really put my finger on it. Licking my lips, I look towards Mr. Styles for some answers and I realize how deeply he is staring into my soul. Placing my elbows on the table, I attempt to protect myself by covering my neck and below.

"Shall we begin?"
Mr. Styles looks towards every other member at the table and they all nod with smiles on their faces. Biting my lip once Mr. Styles rises from his seat, I feel so out shined by all of these classy women.

"I've come to notice that many of my employees need a change for further motivation. I need all of you ladies to help me evaluate the following list of employees"
Mr. Styles pushes the button on the remote control controlling the presentation displayed by the projector. The slideshow displayed on the screen has a list of names and as my eyes switch from one name to another, they widen once I come across my name. 'Ivy Dalton'. Yes I read it right. Is my boss trying to grab my attention? Is there a secret meaning behind what he has done? There are too many unanswered questions. Deciding to keep quiet until the meeting is over, I nod my head, biting my bottom lip harshly.

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