Chapter 4 - Wolfless?

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When they were close enough to touch her, Lilith was pulled out of the bewitching trance the haze had upon her and ran into the woods.

Fierce growls echoed from behind her, sounding closer than she would have wanted. She kicked her legs to move quicker but it seemed like all her powers were gone. For the first time ever since she was born, she felt like she was a mere human being and that alone scared the crap out of her.

'Lucy, are you there?' Lilith asked her wolf when she felt her stirring anxiously.

'Barely' Lucy's voice sounded weak.

'What is wrong with you?' Lilith's heart sank as she realized that she was on her own in this fight against the male werewolves and the Moon Goddess. Lucy wouldn't be able to help her at all.

Lilith couldn't comprehend why Lucy was getting weaker as time ticked by and why she couldn't feel any of her powers.

As a ranked warrior within the pack, she should have been able to fend herself despite her wolf's incapability to do so along her side. She had been trained for such situations in her human form yet she couldn't help but feel more human than she ever did.

'I'm sorry, Lilith. I won't be able to fight this with you.'

'Just tell me if you have any idea of what's happening. I'll handle the rest.'

'All the answers to your questions lie within your home.'

Lilith was disappointed that Lucy wouldn't tell her anything despite knowing everything but feeling Lucy's weakness increasing, Lilith decided to escape those male werewolves first before heading back home to get those answers.

'Have some rest then.' Lilith said but her heart literally stopped beating when she did not get any response from Lucy.

'Lucy, are you there?'

'Lilith, I'm sorry. Please, forgive me.' Lucy whispered before taking one last breath.

Lilith felt her soul tearing in half as her wolf died, leaving behind a void never to be filled ever again as Lucy left. Lilith stumbled in shock and caught onto a nearby tree to catch herself. She tried to catch her breath but nothing worked.

The male werewolves neared her yet Lilith couldn't move. The pain of her wolf dying left her frozen against the tree. She could feel that the werewolves were close enough to try tearing up her clothes.

Some of the werewolves were close enough to sniff her delicious scent driving them insanely lustful. When one of them grazed and licked Lilith's exposed legs, Lilith jolted back from the pain of losing Lucy.

She borrowed herself deeper against the tree and held her breath as the werewolf came closer to her face. Lilith's heart raced when he growled at her before nibbling at her neck. She squeezed her eyes shut and bit her lower lip as it trembled in fear when another male werewolf licked her thigh.

She felt the heat inside her becoming stronger, urging her to surrender to the scorching passion.

She was powerless against them. Lilith thought as she indignantly buried her nails into the tree trunk behind her but she did not want to give up yet. She opened her eyes and with newfound determination, pushed the werewolf away and ran but she barely took two steps before she was seized.

Lilith's scream sounded amid the growls when the werewolf tore her dress, leaving behind a pinching like pain which soon spread like wildfire. She screamed yet again when he madly clawed at her dress, leaving behind several bruises which wouldn't heal now that she was wolfless.

Luck was on Lilith's side when they started to fight each other to mate with her. Amidst the total chaos, short and nimble, she managed to escape. She ran fast, hearing roars echoing in the air and knowing they were still tracing her.

She made a simple mistake. She dared look back over her shoulders to check whether she had an advantage over them despite knowing well enough that there was no chance for her to escape them all.

The next thing she knew was that she crashed into a hard surface only to realize that it was a person.

An arm wounded itself around her lower back, stabilizing her when she stumbled.

"Mate" Lucy resurfaced only to whisper faintly before she was gone forever.

Lilith's breath got caught in her throat and she froze, not only because this man might be her destined mate but also because the only man whose scent smelt like forest pine and woodsy was none other than the Blood Moon pack's future Alpha, Blaze Westbrook.

A few moments passed but the sparks on her lower back didn't subside. The feeling of warmth radiated to her.

She wanted to curl into him but she resisted the mate pull. How come I could still feel the mate bond when I was now wolfless? Lilith thought devastatingly. 

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