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At work, Yami couldn't stop thinking about Y/N. He wasn't really sure why he couldn't get her out of his head. Maybe he did have a thing for her after all. Maybe all those idiots that had been joking about it the last few days had been right. He wasn't sure. She was pretty, yeah. And she was also sweet, when she wanted to be. But what really got him was the way she was giving up so much to take care of her family and to keep as much of her freedom as possible.

She was working so hard that she had even fallen asleep from exhaustion last night. Yami hoped he hadn't overstepped any boundaries by telling her brother to let her sleep in in the morning. She really looked like she deserved a day off. She had looked extremely exhausted in the evening when he was over at the inn, so Yami wasn't really surprised that she had fallen asleep as she had put her siblings to bed. She looked so peaceful when she was asleep, too.

Yami's heart fluttered a little when he thought about it. He had picked her up and put her in her bed, pulling the blanket over her, so she'd be warm and then he had written a small note and given it to her landlady. He really hoped that the note would make its way to Y/N. Maybe he should have given it to Hiroshi instead. In hindsight that seemed like the better choice, but it was too late now.

"So? How was dinner last night, Yami?" he heard a voice next to him. It was his father. Looked like he was taking a short break to smoke a pipe. Yami looked up at him. His father was a tall and strong man and Yami wondered if one day he'd be just the same as him. He was certainly on a good way to get to the same stature and working such a demanding job wasn't a disadvantage there.

"It was good, I think. I mean I liked it. It was just a fish soup, so you know..." he replied. His father shook his head with a smile.

"I don't mind the food, son. I'm talking about the girl. You like her, don't you?" he said. Yami shrugged. He honestly hadn't really come to a conclusion yet. Sure, he had been thinking about it. But he didn't even know her that well. They had been chatting a few times at the end of the day and he had dinner at her place yesterday, because he had been kind of awkward about helping her out with food.

"Don't know. I mean, yeah, she's nice and we get along well. She's easy to talk to. But I don't know if I like her like that. I like spending time with her. She's not annoying like most other people." he replied. His father laughed and nodded slowly. Yami wasn't really sure what he was trying to get at with that conversation.

"She seems nice alright. And she's a tough one, pulling through with feeding her siblings like that... I wonder..." he muttered. Yami glanced up at him. He wasn't sure whether he should let him finish whatever he was thinking or whether he should ask him about hiring Y/N now... it was probably best to see whether he was going to finish that thought. Sometimes he started with something like that and he'd never actually finish that sentence, sometimes he just wanted to wait a little bit. If he got interrupted while waiting, he could get really mad, though.

"What do you wonder?" Yami finally managed to get out after a long silence that was only interrupted by the noise of the waves crashing against the ship. His father glanced down at him and let out a puff of smoke.

"I wonder if it was a mistake to reject hiring her. I mean, seeing her you wouldn't think she'd have it in herself to do the kind of work we do, but... well, she's tenacious. She seems pretty tough. Maybe it would be an idea to give her a chance." he mumbled. Yami's eyes widened. Was he actually thinking about that? It would make things so much easier for Y/N in the long run...

"I think it would be a good idea." he answered a little faster than he probably should have. His father's grin only got wider at that and Yami felt like he had just admitted to something scandalous without knowing he had admitted to it. Either way, Yami decided to just play it cool. No one had to know that he was fairly nervous about this. Apparently, having women in this kind of job was a highly debated subject among all the fishermen and there were strong opinions about it.

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