" I didn't get much sleep last night ." she replied , Tom moved a plate infront of her , it was strawberry shortcake , she seemed to have her mood left up abit

Thank you tommy~~ she happily said , Tom smiled abit

Your welcome star now stop frowning I hate seeing you down he replied , she nodded

It warmed her heart to have him by her side

" The audacity of potter to refuse my offer ugh!!.." Draco complained , Last night , he introduced himself to the "saviour" but was denied and humiliated and now he hates him , he halted at the bespectacled boy just across thier table (-the griffindors table )

Adhara chuckled in amusement

Their head of the house , Snape , approach the table they were sitting at  and passed down Their time table's , his eyes seemed to soften when seeing adhara eating peacefully , he to visit the mansion to check up on her

" Here are your timetables , a map to ensure you don't get lost , good day ."

Adhara shakes her head at her godfathers actions , she checks her timetable and look at Tom's , he seems to notice her gaze , he turned to her

" We both have the same schedule star no need to worry ."

She nodded , it was not like she's afraid to be apart from him , it just she doesn't like communication that much , and people annoy here

His trying so hard it's a pity she mocks

Dumbledore was still trying to get into her head

I can feel if , pity on him , greatest wizard my ass...Tom sarcastically said

"Looks like we have transfiguration first , how exciting." She flatly said , while Tom chuckled at her lack of excitement

At Transfiguration Class...

We sat quietly affront and started doing the task the professor ask us to do , when pat's and Huff came running in the form of Weasley and Potter , they around

" We made it , Could you imagine the look on McGonagall face of we where late " Weasley huffed between his breaths

" Idiots ." Adhara muttered under her breath , Tom chuckled and nudge her ribs

Professor McGonagall was an animagus like Sirius , but she takes form of a gray cat , she sat on her table and jumped towards the two , returning back to her human form

"That was bloody brilliant " Weasley gapped at professor McGonagall , while she nod

"Oh thank you for that assessment mr.weasly , perhaps you'd be more useful if I were to transfigure Mr potter into a pocket watch , then one of you we'll be on time "

"We got lost " potter replied in a rather shaky tone

"Then perhaps a map , it trust you don't need one to find your seats "

Next class
Flying Lesson/Class

Their next class was flying Lesson , Adhara and Tom already know how to fly considering Sirius always drag them out the field and play

"Are you sure is safe ?" Theo as he moved his broom with his feet

"Maybe or maybe not " Blaise shrugged and snickered

"Good afternoon class " a voice shouted

"Good afternoon madam hooch " we greeted , she made her way in front ,while greeting the students that she passed by

"Welcome to first flying lesson , well what are you waiting for , every step up onto the left side of their broomstick , come on hurry up , stick your left hand onto the broom and say UP ! " she instructed

Adhara hover her hand to the um broom , it shoots up , she smirked , Tom to had done it

Looks like Sirius lesson paid off

They sure did star

"Now once you got hold of your broom I want you to mount it , grip it tight , cause we don't want you sliding of the end , when I blow my whistle I want you kick of the ground , keep you broom steady , hover for a moment then lean forward slightly, and touch back down , on my whistle


Hovering was easy for adhara , she remain calm as to what you'll do if your in a broom , but longbottom didn't get the memo , he started to get nervous resulting his broom to go berserk , I flew up and hitting the walls of the castle , Their teacher tried to bring him down but her actions went vain

His stuck

His Robes ripped and he fall , Madam hooch , rushed to his side and examine his wrist , they got up and rushed to the infirmary's

It was all well but somebody wants to stir up drama

" Hey look it's longbottom's remembral !." Draco held the ball into Adhara's view

She hummed , she was not in the mood

"Give it here Malfoy " potter shouted coming towards Thier group

"No , I'll leave where longbottom can find , how about at the roof " Draco flew up , adhara shook her head in dismay , and began to go inside , followed by Tom

"Give it here Malfoy or I knock you of your broom " potter shouted

And then more flying , and shouting all was earshot with Tom's and Adhara's pace

They say down at Their usual sit at the common room , Both adhara and Tom peacefully read thier books , with Theo , Blaise , and Daphne

When someone decided to broke the silence and threw a tantrum

" Potter got into the quidditch team as SEEKER .!" Draco shouted ,while throwing his hands around , he huffed

Adhara looked up and playfully grinned " Oh great now shut up ." She glared , making the blond shut his mouth and crossed his arms , thier friends snickered at the two

How lovely....


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