Adhara hummed in return

" Adhara Black-Emry's "

" Marvolo Gaunt "

They both introduce , there eyes went wide as questions in head began to swirl

" That's means we're related ?" Draco questions turning to the girl who occupied by her book

" Yes we are didn't you mother told you ." She replied not looking up from her book

" Gaunt , I thought there extinct, pardon my language ?." Theo asked tilting his head

" Well I am the last of the Gaunt line , so yes my family is instinct in a way ." Tom replies

" How come we never heard of you , the both of you I mean ?." Blaise questions , adhara sighed

" Both of our families are secretive ." Adhara flatly replied , they all got the idea that the girl doesn't like being bothered so they leave her be

They were still confuse as to why they have never known about the two , they heard whisper and such but never a complete statement , they observed the two they both look accquinted

" Say Black , did my mother and father ever known about you ?." Draco turned to the girl

" Yes they did ,they visit the manor but rarely ."

" How come they never talk about you surely they'll talk I mean we ARE cousins and she you aunt ."

" Father wanted to keep my identity , until now."

The train ride was awkward at first but in time they began to talk , which mean short replies from the two and Draco wanting to visit , to Theo having a book related conversation with Tom

I find them annoying but entertaining it weird adhara said , Tom chuckled

We both know you find everyone annoying star He replied , she nudge his ribs

Oh shut up

They talk and talk , surprisingly adhara started to reply normally but still need some work , Tom on the other hand he was admiring and listening , probably both , as adhara was FINALLY communicating to someone who isn't him or her family , to say the least he was proud

" I think it's sweet ." she implied , as the were talking about Theo's and Daphne's engagement

Arrange marriage or early engagement was normal in the pure blood , some even went as far as marrying their cousin , like Adhara's past ancestors

" Thank you adhara that's soo sweet ." Daphne smiled

Knock !!

Knock !!

They all looked at the door , their was a girl standing outside quite impatiently too , adhara waved her hand and opened the door

" Have any of you seen a toad ?." The girl asked , as she looked around , clearly not taking notice on who she was asking

She's a muggleborn Tom said

I can tell , her magic is neutral too she replied

" We have not ." Adhara flatly replied , dusting of invisible dust on her skirt

" Surely you seen it passed it here , his owner is quite distressed ?."

Adhara clicked her tongue making a tch sound

" As I've said we have not ."

The girl got the idea and walk away but not before , spatting

" Rude " the girl said under her breath

They closed the door and began to talk where they left off

" I'm sure all of us will be in Slytherin ." Draco boosted , well he ain't wrong for that matter

" Clearly we all will , fret not ." Tom replies

There's a heir's room in the Slytherin common room isn't there ? She asked

Yes there is , two actually , one for me and one for you he replied

I can't wait , I'm sleepy she replied while yawning , he chuckled

Were almost there star hold on a bit

But I'm tired , can I just take a little nap

I suppose you can , go on I'll wake you up when we arrive

Okey thanksss~~

He chuckled at his soulmates action , she laid her head on his shoulders and closed her eyes , some of her hairs were falling infront of her face

" Say gaunt , did you know adhara before coming to Hogwarts i mean ?." Blaise eyes averted to Their form , as the girl was sleeping on his shoulders

" I don't want to relay to much information but yes , yes we do ." He simply replied

" And Gaunt ." Draco called making him him in response

" Why is Adhara refuse to make eye contact , I mean she reading and all but you get the idea ?." Daphne asked , they noticed

He sighed

" It's not my place to say I apologies ." He declined , he may be her other half but he doesn't wish to relay such sensitive topic just then , they understood and nodded

Thank tom~ adhara sleepy voiced whispered in his mind , his lips twitch

Don't worry about it star now sleep ... He replied

After hours , they have finally arrive , the little town thier in was lined it lights , and outside the train was a half giant waiting for them to come out

Tom shook adhara a bit and tucks a hair in her ear

" Star wake up were here ." In soft voice he spoke to the girl who stirred and opened her eyes , she looked around , they were here , their new friends where to stunned to speak as they caught sight of her eyes , no one dared to utter a word

" Oh already ." She deadpanned


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