Chapter two: Red (Jaces P.O.V)

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Red. Thats all that goes through our heads. Stay Red. Trust the Red. Never disobey the Red. I thought I was doing our world a service by joining them, but little did I know I was dead wrong.

It was just a normal day, I was in my designated spot, guarding Test Subject 3's room: Delta 1350, I kept looking over at the poor girl, she had been unconsious for a week, I felt pain as I looked at her, crumpled in that small tank, all the Chasers around her, she was one of the eight who they have brought in, why so little? Because they kill the rest of them by overdosing them, or suffocating them with gas, even electricution. It was quiet till I heard some commotion and looked into the window of the soundproof room, she had woken up, and I got a real look at her, I had a bit of a power, I could tell if the test subjects were Rouge or not, and I looked at her, the white ring around her pupil gave it off, her brown eyes told me, she was a Rouge. I turned back around, trying not to hear the quiet murmur that was screaming on the other side, then, an alarm went off. My head snapped back to the room and saw what had happened, the girl had broken the glass, I jumped up and started to run to get my weapon, the genral stopped me, "Grab chains Kid!" He shouted and ran past me, I shook my head and kept running, "Chains wont work.." I muttered and grabbed the newly designed pistol from a rack in the weaponary room and started to run back, as I neared the corner I heard the clicking of boots and thought it was another Red Lance, suddenly, someone hit me, I stumbled back and looked to see who was infront of me, it was the girl, she looked up at me terrified, "S-Stay away!" She had stuttered and I was about to raise my gun, but I stopped, "No. Shh, this way." I mummbled and pulled her into a storage room, we were chest to chest, I could tell she was uncomfortable, "Why did you help me?" She hissed and shrugged, "I feel your pain, I saw you in that tank and wanted to help.". Like she would buy that, she could only see me as a Red, not a real person, and I was right. "You are a Red Lance." She hissed again and motioned at my white and red etched armor, I sighed, I wasn't, I was free. Free to be me. Jace. "Not anymore."

When the chaos died dosn I realized where we were, outside, I turned to look at the girl, slim, with soft brown eyes, wearing faded junker jeans, a white tee, brown Junker boots, and a brown leather hacker that stopped at her elbows, she panted and slowed down, so I did too, I turned to her one we were completely stopped, "My name is Jace. You are?" I asked and she looked up, "Atilee." She huffed and I smiled, she put her hand out to shake, but by habit I turned it and kissed the top, why? Because I was raised to be a gentleman. "Gentelman much?" She said and I huffed and told her it was a habit. I turned around, it dawned on me. Where is shelter? I sighed, turning back to Atilee, "Do you see any caves?" I asked, I wanted to tell her she was a Rouge, to see if she could do something, but I had to let her figure that out by herself, she shook her head and I cursed inside my head, "Dang.." I then said outloud and got up, "Well, we should walk, Ladies first." I smirked and she rolled her eyes and walked, I followed behind, paying attention to what was behind us, I was always alert. I was paying attention to our right side when I heard Atilee say something, "Jace! Junker town!" She had squealed and I smiled, " Let's see if we can get some supplies there and set up a camp outside the city." Atilee nodded and eagerly picked upher pace, once we were in town I made my way to the supplier. I felt eyes burning into the back of my head, people were staring at me, well, mostly my armor, I shook off the feeling and got some supplies, which the man kindly gave everything to us no charge, since he was probably scared I would take him to the capitol, I threw two pieces onto the table in thanks, but he pushed them back, I shook my head and walked away before he could change his mind. As I walked I noticed Atilee stopping every so often to pick up a part at a merchant junkers booth to admire it, or examin it. I chuckled, "There is nobody I have ever seen that is more true of a junker then you Atilee." I said and she quickly put the part down she was holding and turned red faced, realizing she had been caught aweing the parts. I shook my head, grinning and kept walling, soon, we were out of the town, I pitched up the tent and rolled out two sleeping bags inside, "Idont know about you, but I am tired. Night Atilee." I said and went in, I took off the chest peice and pants of my armor, having white clothing pants and a red t-shirt, I then rolled up in the sleeping back and tried to go to sleep. Half an hour later I felt the tent open and heard Atilee kicking her boots off and throwing her jacket on the floor. Then we were both out like a light. "Sweet dreams, Hero." I heard her mumble before drifting off into sleep.


Daww! Atilee is so playing hard to get though! I love making her so childish around parts tough, I have to admit, I am having fun making this, but not to mention I have the whole thing planned in my head, Jeez C!

Ok so need names for people who are coming up, put something inthe comments and I will look, I will also give a shout out when that charrie is added, here are the people

One older girl(Who may or may not die, who knwos it deoends on which one I think will die)

One guy(Idk what age ye)

A service droid that is super stuborn and mean, kinda looks like Ghost from Destiny.(Fem? I was thinking basing with a fem voice)

And pic is our heroic savior, Jace! Convinient with the red shirt.

Anyways thanks!♥-


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