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Tony Stark was in his lab tinkering away on his latest Iron Man suit when JARVIS interrupted him.

"Sir, a woman is here to speak to you."

Tony removed his glasses and furrowed his brows. "What does she want?"

"I'm not sure."

Tony got up and made his way to the lab doors. How did the woman even get up here? The upper levels of the tower were restricted access. Only the Avengers and Pepper had that freedom, and none of them were there to let this woman up here.

"Where is she?"

"In the sitting area, sir."

"Thanks, J."


Tony made his way to the sitting area and found Sid woman staring out of the ceiling-to-floor windows that showed the Manhattan skyline. She wore a white pantsuit with black heels, her brown hair cascades down her back.

"Can I help you?" Tony calls out, making the woman turn around. The first thing he noticed was her startling grey eyes that seemed vaguely familiar.

"Yes, you can, Anthony."

That made Tony instantly weary of the woman. He hated being called 'Anthony'. It made him feel like he was being scolded. "It's Tony. Who are you?"

"My name is Athena."

"Okay, Athena. What do you want? How did you get up here?"

"I am a goddess. I have my ways. I'm here to tell you that you have a son."

"A what?!"

Tony really shouldn't have been surprised, considering his past, but this was easily the craziest news he's ever received. He didn't even register that Athena called herself a goddess.

"A son."

"I- how?"

"July of 2001. MIT was hosting their annual alumni ball. You were incredibly drunk, so I know you don't remember, but we had an interesting conversation about the future of robotics. Despite your arrogance, I found you intriguing. A month later, our son was born."

Tony blinked and then furrowed his brows. "Wait, how could he have been born a month later? And I think I'd remember sleeping with you. The grey eyes are unsettling."

"I'm a maiden goddess, Anthony. I don't lie with men."

"You keep saying 'goddess'. Elaborate."

"Do you know any Greek mythology, Anthony?"

Tony shrugged, not bothering to correct her on his name. "Sure. Hercules and everybody."

"Heracles, actually. Hercules is his Roman counterpart. Nevertheless, all of the stories you have heard are real. Very real. And so are the gods. We followed western civilization and ended up here. Occasionally, the gods will in mortal affairs and have children with them. Those children are demigods. When they are of age, they go to a camp that will shape them into heroes."

Athena stared at the man across from her as he tried to comprehend what he heard. She knew she'd get in trouble for seeking him out after, but Apollo told her that he could help her son's fate.

Moments passed before Tony spoke up. "I'm still confused on how he was born."

Athena sighed and made her way back to the windows. "Every offspring of mine are "brain children", so to speak. They are a combination of my abilities and the father's mortal ingenuity. They were not born the normal way."

Brain child, Tony mouthed to himself. This was going to take a while for his head to wrap around. The biggest part was that he had a kid. A son. Tony never wanted kids because he knew he'd end up like his father. There is no way he would want to subject a innocent child to that. Wait, he thought. Why didn't Athena give him the baby when he was born... or conjured... whatever.

He voiced this.

"Let's not kid ourselves, Anthony. You were a womanizer and a drunk. That child would not have survived that environment. It wouldn't have been wise to hand him to you. I found a couple in Queens who were better suited, Richard and Mary Parker."

As harsh as it was, she was right. Tony knew he wouldn't have properly taken care of him. It still hurt to know that his son grew up without knowing his biological father.

"Why are you telling me this now?" He asked.

Athena looked nervous for a split second before she went back to an emotionless facade. "I can't discuss that with you, but I believe that you will help our son soon. He will need it."

"Help with what?"

Athena didn't answer. "His name is Peter Parker. He lives in Queens with his aunt. Now, I suggest you close your eyes unless you want to be vaporized at the mere look of my divine form."

Tony's eyes widened before squeezing them shut. He didn't feel like vaporizing today. When a minute passed, he peeked an eye open. Athena was gone.

Tony sighed heavily.

He had a kid. A kid. Peter.

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