Chapter 69: The Battle of Hogwarts Part II

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"You saved me," he whispered in disbelief and you lifted your hand to brush a few strands of hair away from his forehead, "you saved me, Y/N."

You smiled tearfully at him, barely able to stop the sobs of relief from breaking past your lips, and wiped your tears away from your dust-covered face, "well, I couldn't just let you die on me, could I?" He tugged you in and kissed you fiercely, and you wrapped your arms around his shoulders and matched his desperation, beyond grateful that you could still hold him like this.

The silence of the castle made you feel like the only two people in the world as you kissed him, both of you with tears still trickling down your cheeks, but then Fred pulled back suddenly and stared into your face, his face inscrutable.

"Marry me."

He said it so abruptly that you could just stare at him in shock. He took your face in his hands, "I don't want to wait another damn minute to ask you. Marry me, Y/N."

Instead of answering, you let out a soft cry and grabbed his face, kissing him hard.

He chuckled against your lips, "is that a yes?"

You pulled back and smiled at him through your tears, "of course it is. Of course I'll marry you, Fred. And of course you'd pick now to ask me." You caressed his face fondly, he was alive, you were both alive.

He kissed you again, "well, let's make sure we get out of here then."

You both shakily got to your feet, and Fred almost collapsed in your arms, letting out a sharp gasp of pain. You looked down and saw his heavily bleeding leg, and he winced as he tried to put weight on it.

"Lean on me, I'll help you," you said as you pulled his arm around your shoulders, helping him to limp down the ruined corridor.

"Holy shit," a voice gasped, and you glanced up to see Charlie Weasley approaching you, looking as white as a ghost with a look of terror on his tear-stained face.

You stopped walking as he approached you, and stared at you both, placing one hand on your shoulder and then the other on Fred's.

"Charlie?" Fred asked with uncertainty, "what's happened?"

Charlie just stared at you both in shock, "we thought you were both dead."

"What?" you both gasped in horror.

"I'll explain on the way, come on," Charlie pulled Fred's other arm over his shoulder and you both helped him down the broken stairs. Charlie explained the situation as you walked, "Percy was blasted down the stairs with the force of the explosion, he was knocked out for a while but he's fine. We didn't think anyone had survived. The whole corridor is destroyed."

He cleared his throat, "we've spent the last hour thinking you were dead, we couldn't even get to you until these stairs here-" he gestured to the debris that had been moved aside, "-had been cleared, so I came looking."

You and Fred were both silent in shock, and you felt horribly guilty for the pain the Weasleys were probably going through as you spoke.

After a number of painstaking minutes of helping Fred down the stairs of the seemingly deserted school, you finally reached the ground floor.

"Where is everyone? Did we win?" Fred asked as he observed the destroyed, but eerily quiet castle.

"He called his Death Eaters off, he's called Harry to the Forbidden Forest," Charlie said gravely and you inhaled sharply, "he's gone there alone?"

"We don't know, Ron and Hermione came in with him, but Harry left, we don't know where he is," Charlie answered, and then you heard sounds of crying and moans of pain from the Great Hall.

Yours, Fred | f. weasley x readerOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz