Chapter 68: The Battle of Hogwarts Part I

Start from the beginning

You saw Harry and McGonagall deep in discussion about something, and then she nodded curtly to you both as you approached and then she went over to the other professors. Harry turned to you, "I'm going to look for the diadem. Have you seen Ron and Hermione?" You shook your head, "be careful Harry, I'd go with you but we have to guard the passageways."

"It's fine, Y/N," he waved you off, "just come back in one piece, yeah?" You smirked at his tone and then hugged him, before he ran out of the Hall. You walked back over to the others where Fred was laying out a plan like a professional war general, while the others nodded in agreement.

"Right, so, Jack, Hannah and Bea will take the first, second and third floors; George, and Lee will take the fourth and fifth floors; Y/N, Percy and I will take the sixth and seventh floors, as well as the entrances to the Astronomy and Gryffindor Towers. Is everyone alright with that?"

"Sir, yes sir," you said and he grinned down at you, squeezing your hand and bringing it briefly to his lips. You pulled Bea into a hug before your group scattered, "be careful, okay? I'll see you after."

She squeezed you back, "you watch your back too, Y/N." She grinned at you before following the Abbotts to their designated positions. You got to the fifth floor and hugged Lee tightly too, and you saw Fred pulling George aside onto one of the balconies out of the corner of your eye.

You turned your attention back to your friend who jokingly cracked his knuckles in anticipation, though you could see the worry in his eyes.

"I'll catch up with you later, yeah?" he said brightly and you nodded and hugged him again, "be careful, Lee."

Lee and Percy then went to talk briefly with Arthur, Kinsley, Remus and Tonks, who were convening down the corridor, and you saw Tonks glance over at you. She caught your eye and winked, and then she blew you a kiss and gave you a grin before turning back to the conversation.

You grinned back at her and then headed to the balcony where the twins had gone, you saw them lowering their wands after helping to reinforce the protective enchantments, and you were just about to announce your arrival and join them, but you hesitated when you heard the solemn tone of their conversation.

"You okay, Freddie?" George asked as they watched the onslaught of spells hitting the protective barrier.

"Yeah," Fred told him, being quieter than normal. George nudged him and grinned, "me too."

"Georgie, I need you to promise me something," Fred said, no hint of his usual humour in his voice. You hid behind the wall, debating whether or not you should be listening.

"Of course, what is it?" George asked and you heard Fred taking a sharp inhale of breath before he spoke, "if something happens to me-"

"Nothing's going to happen-" George interrupted immediately.

"But if something does happen, take care of Y/N-"


"I'm serious George. I know she can take care of herself, but please, if I can't...just please," Fred choked up and you heard George pull him into a tight hug.

"Of course I would, you know I would," George told him sincerely, patting Fred hard on the back as they hugged.

Meanwhile, you were leaning back against the wall you were hiding behind, listening to all of this. You stifled a sob with your hand as you heard their conversation, but then you gathered yourself. Nothing was going to happen to your loved ones, at least that's what you told yourself, the thoughts of the alternative threatened to break you completely. You wiped your eyes and cleared your throat, pretending you were just arriving to walk out onto the balcony.

Yours, Fred | f. weasley x readerWhere stories live. Discover now