Win - baby accepts my request I to want to see your account.

Gulf just accepted their request...

And win being win started stalking him...

And win being win started stalking him

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Graduated finally 😏

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Graduated finally 😏

Tinytine - mention me bitch I am the photographer...

Tinytine - mention me bitch I am the photographer

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When I am too hungry

Type type - don't eat the sweater bitch.

Bright - you look so hot baby in all the pictures...

Gulf - guys please don't send requests to my friend's nana.

Mew - you don't want them to know.

Gulf - to be honest not now I will surely want to tell everyone but I don't think I am ready for now plus I can't tell everyone I have three boyfriends now in your world it is normal but in my world, I will be the biggest slut.

Bright - as you wish but I can't find your so-called babes.

Gulf - hey don't tell me you guys are jealous of type and tine.

Mew, bright, win - hell yes.

Gulf just busted into laughter again seriously guys you have nothing to worry about I am straight and hell no I will die rather than liking them they are best friends and it's my style to call them babes to annoy them.

Mew - that means you don't like them.

Gulf - hell no

Win - not even a bit.

Gulf - not even a bit.

Mew - that's a relief I was about to kidnap them.

Gulf - what!! Are you crazy no it will be fun just tell me before you do that?

Mew - now I won't I don't have anything to do with them now.

Gulf - you should be worried about my girlfriends more than type and tine.

Bright - girlfriends?? Are you dating anyone other than us?

Gulf - yes and no, you know in our world there is no system of mate so it's pretty normal to have flings and one night and I often did that.

Mew - your world is crazy.

Win - that's why you didn't react to phi mew having a boyfriend earlier.

Gulf - ya it's pretty normal in my world to date so it's no big deal for me.

Bright - gulf we don't mind

Win - he means we can't do anything about what you did before, playing around.

Mew - stood up but now you belong to us we better don't see you flirting with anyone remember this you are our wife....he looked straight into gulf eyes making the younger one shiver in fear which he never felt before.....

Sorry for the late update....hope you enjoy.....

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