Chapter 3: Demon of Old

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"Kuroka. Diluc's bishop, when the nekomata race was exterminated, only Kuroka and her sister survived, and as Diluc was also leaving the Gremory family, Sirzechs granted Kuroka the option of following Diluc, therefore becoming her Diluc's first peerage member."

Diluc stared at her clothing from top to bottom before turning away.

Diluc: Why are you wearing that, Kuroka?

Kuroka: I heard from Ai that we're going to get the others, surely that means I should wear suitable clothing.

Diluc: Your kimono is suitable clothing.

Kuroka: Hmm but it also shows too much cleavage and is sort of loose, I'm sure we all remember what happened in the last rating game.

Diluc: Don't remind me...

Kuroka laughed lightly before noticing the presence of the demon in the room making her carefree look suddenly disappear as she put on a serious face.

Kuroka: Diluc... I mean my King, what's a demon doing here?

Diluc: She fell through the roof claiming she was sealed away for a long time.

Kuroka: She was sealed away? That's nonsense; we're all devils sprung from demons, and any demons imprisoned would be documented in political literature, but I've never read anything about demons being imprisoned!

???: It's true, just trust me!

Kuroka and Diluc look at the girl who stands up to stand her ground making Diluc sigh.

Diluc: Tell me your name?

???: My name?

Diluc: Yes, the thing people refer to you as

???: Ah... then I'm Mudrock.

Diluc: Mud...rock?

Kuroka stifled a laugh for a quick second causing Diluc to turn to her forcing her to look away innocently before Diluc turned back to "Mudrock."

Diluc: Okay "Mudrock" do you remember what it was like being sealed away?

Mudrock: I remember... being chained up, above a burning fire, relentless pain, relentless screaming, mythical flames burning me right to my very origin.

Kuroka: Flames? Do you have something to do with this Diluc?

Diluc: No... but I feel as though I know what kind of seal she was in.

Mudrock: You do?!

Diluc: Mudrock... my name is Diluc Ragnvindr Gremory. A member of the Six Devil Yaksha, I specialise in fire "magic"

Mudrock: Fire "magic?"

Kuroka: It's not really "magic" as one would think, Diluc's flames have unreal levels to them since they originate straight from the original demon maou.

Mudrock: F-From the demon maou?!

Diluc: Seeing how you're a demon yourself, I suppose you know who they are?

Mudrock: This... this changes everything...

Diluc: What is it?

Mudrock: Earlier when I talked about what I was going through in my seal I didn't exactly tell you that I was sealed up with other demons as well, did I?

Diluc: No, you didn't...

Mudrock: As I thought, well allow me to reintroduce myself, my names Mudrock, server to the Great Demon Maou and I bear a message from the demon maou herself.

The Six Devil Yaksha (Diluc Reader x DxD)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ