Part Eleven - The Lake

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Her POV //

God, I hope Flynn got the hints.

I looked out the window as Liam drove, it all looked so familiar but I couldn't think, couldn't pin point exactly where we were.

He hasn't spoken yet, just tapping the wheel inconsistently, giving me a headache.

What if Flynn thinks I really just ended things? I broke his heart, what if he doesn't forgive me.

The car came to a stop. I looked around, his old neighbourhood?

"Let's go" he finally spoke. To stop him from hurting himself, or me, I'll play along.

I know Flynn knows me. I know.

We began walking along a trail, he kept glancing at me to see if I would remember.

Is there something significant about this place? I can't fucking read minds.

Music. Music began playing before he put his arm around my shoulder, holding onto his phone.

"Remember this song?" He grinned, humming along to it.

I listened... it was the song I hated most, the song I associated with him. He's torturing me and he loves it.

I looked further ahead, we were approaching a lake?

Oh my god. He was trying to make me relive good memories with him.

Does he not know that I hate this place? That every time we were here, we fought? That he left me stranded, alone with no way home?

"Sit down" he said, resting on the bench by the lake.

I hesitated, looking around to see that there were no houses or people nearby. I have to go along.

I went to sit down before feeling an arm around my waist, pulling me onto his lap.

I yelped, feeling his hand roughly hold onto mine.

"You keep hurting me? Don't you feel anything?" I mumbled, not even looking at the monster.

He sniffled, "Love, I feel only love for you"

Is this mother fucker crying?

He rested his head against my shoulder, crying onto it like a little bitch.

"You love me? So when you cut my cheek or grab me this hard... it's just love right?" I asked, shaking my head at his pathetic face. 

"I love you so much baby, I'll be better I promise, I-I won't ever hurt you" he cried, soaking my sweatshirt. Flynn's.

Tears threatened to spill, thinking about him. My Flynn.

His eyes, he thinks they're so boring. They're the perfect shade of brown, like hot top quality hot chocolate.

Liam looked up at me, "Oh baby don't cry" he whimpered. Baby. He doesn't have that right.

'Let it out baby' Flynn's voice replayed in my mind.

I wiped away my tears, watching as ducks went upside down. Flynn would've found it hilarious. I would have too.

We were both crying now. He won't do anything if I'm crying, right?

"I love you" he breathed out, placing his dry lips against my shoulder.

I may have head a sweatshirt parting our skin yet it burnt through, sizzling until it grazed my bare skin.

His hand traced up my thigh as he whispered inaudible things to himself.

"Stop" I said, looking down at his hand.

He pressed his head against my shoulder, shaking his head as he cried.

He quickly slid his hand up my sweatshirt, burning into my exposed stomach.

"I said stop" I whimpered, trying to push his hand away. He didn't budge.

His warm hand lingered on the waistband of my pants, almost taunting me.

"No. stop" I pleaded as my vision blurred from the tears.

"You want me, you just need to feel me again" he mumbled against my shoulder, shoving his hands down.

I winced; this was happening. Again, it was happening.

I attempted to jolt up, but his arms wrapped around me, caging me in.

"No no no, please stop, please" 

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