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"Are we reading the same thing right now?" I exclaimed.

"Yep! A full library and gigantic pool on the first floor of the main building!" Cherilyn said, nodding vigorously.

I didn't know what kind of research Cherilyn was calling herself doing on the school, but this wasn't something I was expecting. I do appreciate her for looking up information about the place cosmetically, and sure I love the library and swimming. Still, I wanted to find out what was so special about randomly choosing me to be one of their potential prospects?

Why me?

I smiled and nodded and continued to copy the homework on the board. She sat back and gazed at her computer screen that displayed the Orinda University website.

"Oh Gabe, it also says something about the secret families that go there. There are 10 families that gone there in total but 6 currently stand there today." She replied, scrolling down that part of information.

"6? What happened to the other 4?" I asked. She shrugged.

"Not sure. They probably faded off into to pursue other things. It's the 21st century you know. Not everyone goes to school after high school." She replied.

"I mean you're right, but I might want to continue a legacy at a school like this."

"That's probably just you Gabriel, I didn't think I was gonna go to Fisk until I got accepted. Your mind can change."

"I guess so."

The bell rang and we gathered our things to go to the next period. Cherilyn and I went our separate ways; she has Theatre and I have Gym. I watched as she walked down the hall, she threw her arms around some girls that were in the class. I turned my heel and walked into the gym class, pushing past the chaotic hallway.

As I walked I started to think about the trip I'm about to take to see the school. It's located in Manhattan, New York and it truly is a forward HBCU, considering historically black colleges and universities are in the south for a reason? What, are they too bougie to be in a place like Alabama or Mississippi? This school is something else and I can't get it out of my head. There's gotta be something wrong with this place.

I will stop at nothing to figure out the truth.

"Mr. McClain will you get dressed for gym class please?" Coach yelled from across the water.

"Yes sir, sorry sir."


The end of the day came as quickly as it started and Cherilyn was waiting for me by her car, a vintage 1970s Dodge Challenger. She's literally the coolest girl that has ever been in my life, a bad ass with a free spirit. She reminds me of Lisa Bonet, no wait her daughter Zoë Kravitz! I hope she feels the same about me.

"C'mon Gabe we don't have all day! I gotta pick out my dress!" She yelled from across the parking lot, waving frantically.

"Be right over!" I semi- yelled back. I did an awkward jog to the car. The athletes that were kind of close by were snickering as I made my way over to her. They eyed the car like it was some golden treasure they couldn't touch.

I got in and laid back into the seat. She got in a few seconds later and sighed.

"So, are you planning on going to prom?" She asked, from what I could tell it was like she wanted me to say yes.

"Uh...yeah I want to go. I just don't have any money for a new suit..." I said with a sigh.

"Well, do you want to go with...me?" She asked. There was a twinkle in her eye, I couldn't resist to smile.

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