Day 1

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It was the next day, and Irina woke up wondering what will happen today. The chances of them keeping Eri's origin a secret was an impossible task. After all, Eri was just a child, one with very high levels of paranoia, but still a child. Her class on the other hand are being trained to kill and gather information. She stared at the ceiling for a few minutes, before getting off her bed slowly dressing.

Irina quietly got ready for the day making sure that Eri, who was in the guest room wouldn't hear her. After an hour of getting ready, hiding all her weapons, she went to wake Eri.

Slowly, Irina opened the door, walking into the room. She took a last glance at the sleeping child, before gently shaking her. "Eri, wake up. You have to get dressed and eat something before we got to school."

Eri awoke, looking at Irina. It took a second before her brain processed what was happening. A quiet "oh" left her lips. The little girl glanced at her hands, wanting to believe that everything was a dream. Irina could only watch.

"Hey, don't feel bad, you will soon be back home," Irina calmly said, attempting to console the child.


"No buts. Come on, we need to get ready for school. I left you some clothes in the closet, and in the meantime, I'll go make us some breakfast, alright? If you have any more questions or want me to explain something again, just ask."

Eri nods her head.

Irina looks at her with a hint of guilt in her eyes. Why couldn't it have been another person? "I understand that it must be a shock for you, especially after all you have been through, you shouldn't be here," Eri winced at those words. "But we can't change the past, and we have to do the best that we can do. Also, my class might be a mish-mash of idiots, but they are loving idiots. Nothing will happen to you."

"Thank you." Eri whispers. Irina simply smiled, standing up and moving to the door, but before she leaves, she said, "I hope you like what I picked out for you, I think that the cherry coloured beret will fit you perfectly."


Eri looked at the door Irina just left through. "Why is this happening to me." With a tired sigh, she fell onto the bed staring at the white ceiling. "What will happen to me? Irina-sensei did say that they would get me back home in a week, but can I trust them?" Another minute passed, before Eri stood up, moving to the closet. "No time to question everything on my own. Dad did say if I get stuck or captured somewhere to assist, no, asset, uhm, what was the word again?" She grabbed something from the closet and a very strange hat she had seen Momo wear.

After putting everything on, she left the room, moving downstairs. She could hear Irina cooking in the kitchen.

"Oh, you are already here, you can sit down at the table." Eri looked around and only saw an odd couch which was embedded in the floor like in the movie 'Iron-Man', in the apartment of that one man. Izuku talked about the movies for hours, as it was one of the few which people would still watch from the pre-quirk era.

"I am not the best cook, but it's enough to come around." Irina placed a plate of scrambled eggs in front of Eri, then she placed some toast and several types of jam. "Do you want some orange juice? I'll have to go shopping since I don't have a lot of stuff in my fridge. I'll leave a list at the front, so if you want anything just write it down, k?"

"I understand, and I would like some juice."

"Great, give me a second." Like that Irina left the table quickly coming back with the orange juice. She place the glass in front of Eri, who started to eat.

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