Chapter 16: First Game Of The Season

Start from the beginning

As we walked towards dad's office, noise continued, but as I walked to the stadium, all I could hear was my heart in my chest. This wasn't a practice; this was an actual game, and it worried me I didn't do enough to help the team. 

My stomach was in knots. "I'm going to be sick," I said to dad as I gagged.

Dad stopped and placed his hands on my shoulders. "Whoa Nora, are you sure you want to do this game? You can go home."

I swallowed the lump in my throat with some difficulty then shook my head. I was just as much part of this team as Tad. I should be not matter how it made nervous I felt. "No, I want to do this. This is opening game."

"Ok," he said. "But if you change your mind for any reason at all, feel free to leave. You don't even have to tell me." 

I nodded as I took deep breaths in, to clear my mind. I followed him into the office where all the assistant coaches were waiting for us. By now I knew all by name. 

"Ok boys, here is what we have been waiting for," dad said as he shut the door behind him.

"We already talked to the kids and we think they're as ready as they can be," Tyler said as he pulled on his OSU polo that looked brand new.

As the men went into details about what to expect for the game, I sat down in the corner of the room. My eyes glanced at my polo and wondered if I should have worn something different, something better than just this plain outfit. 

My attention shifted when dad brought up his concern for the mental state of team. He discussed ideas and topics of improvement, but when the assistant coaches fell silent about it, he changed to topic. It felt as if only dad and I were interested in the topic. The assistant coaches didn't care about the happiness of the players, they just wanted them to play well, happy or not. It was heartbreaking. The coaches viewed these boys as nothing more than chess pieces, but they were more than that. They had souls, and they were hurting.

Dad pulled out in phone and gave a sigh. "Ok, boys, I think it is show time." He clapped his hands. "I think the kids are in the locker room waiting for us."

I stood up from my seat and my legs felt like Jello. Why did everyone look so calm? This was the first game. It was big. I didn't know what to expect when I went in there. This wasn't practice.

As we walked into the locker room, the players were already dressed in gear, waiting for us. The commotion instantly stopped and the chatter quieted down as their attention was turned to us as if they expected something great from us.

"Ok, first game of the season, we can do this," dad said to the group that huddled around him. "Nora is going to give some words of encouragement."

My eyes widened as I took a step back. I couldn't breathe as I looked around the room. Dad did not run this by me before hand and I wished he did. He knew what state I was in. There was nothing I could share with them when I couldn't even calm myself down. 

Dad placed his hand on my shoulder and gave a squeeze. 

I wanted to melt, but knew this wasn't the place to show such emotions. Knowing I couldn't stay quiet, I racked my mind with what to say. They needed actual words of wisdom, words I wouldn't be able to provide.

"Um... yeah, ok," I said as my voice cracked. I just had to pull myself together. "As most of you know, I'm not a football expert. But one thing that I know is you all have worked so hard. You guys want this... and... hell, this talk sucks.... In all honesty, dad sprung this on me like a surprise party for a 50-year-old family member you don't care for. Have you ever experienced a surprise that you didn't see coming? I'm sure you have, but that's not the point." I stopped and pointed towards the door of the locker room. "That team out there, you have studied their plays, watched past games. You shouldn't be surprised by anything they throw your way. You are ready and I know you'll crush it today."

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