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a/n: sorry if the formatting is bad im writing on mh phone

after a restless night you wake up to a room full of empty chip bags and energy drink cans. "holy crap i need to clean" you whisper to yourself.

"n/n, come out i made breakfast!" lumines voice calls you from outside the door. 

"alright im coming!" quickly, you grab a trashbag from a cabinet and stuff everything inside. u you take a look at the semi clean room, give it a nod, and walk out.

in the living/dining area, you see lumine in the kitchen, an apron draped over her petite figure, standing by the stovetop. yanfei is at the table reading a book titled "The Bill of Rights" while stuffing scrambled eggs into her mouth

"morning!" you yawn walking over to lumine. she hands you a plate of eggs, bacon, toast, and pancakes. "have i ever told you that I LOVE YOU LUMINEE??" you embrace the younger girl, who hugs back

"aww, you're too kind n/n."

you take your plate over to the table next to yanfei. she looks up and mumbles something that you couldn't understand.

"yanfei, at least talk when the food isn't in your mouth" lumine comments, wiping down the counters before serving herself.

yanfei swallows her food before attempting to speak again.

"good morning y/n!" the pink haired girl smiles at you, her eyes returning to her book. 

you chuckle as you begin to eat. 

"do you guys have classes today?" lumine asks, being the conversation starter she is

"i have one but its later today" yanfei responds, her attention not leaving the book.

"yeah its in about an hour" you say before pausing. "wait what time is it?"

"almost 9" yanfei adds. you freeze and stand up.

"n/n? whats wrong?" lumine asked nervously while yanfei actually decided to look at you.

"i overslept my class starts at 9:25" your voice is barely a whisper, and your skin was pale. "i gotta go"

you run to your room, stuff everything you need into your bag, and rush out the door, waving a frantic goodbye to your roommates


you arrived at the class at the last second, being one of the few people entering at the time. it was the last day before a 2 week winter break, and the atmosphere of the room was unlike what it usually was

people who would always be alert and ready had their heads down, half asleep. even the professor didnt want to be there.

"ok hello everyone and good job on your final essay from yesterd..." the voice of the professor begins to disappear as you fall into the daily fake scenario/daydream.

"...and that is your project for the break, happy holidays everyone!" you blink and the next second you're back in the classroom, everyone packing up to leave.

you turn to the person next to you, the one and only ganyu.

"hey ganyu, what...just happened?" you murmer, surprising the blue haired girl.

"y/n weren't you listening? we have a project on the Engish book 'A Christmas Carol'."

"we- we do?" you felt lightheaded. for being an english major, you sucked at essays, projects, and reading.

"lucky for you, it doesnt have to be an essay. it can be a collage, a slideshow, or anything, you're a designer right? maybe you could implement that into it." (im sorry im not in college idk how this shit works). 

ganyu. always there for you.

"ganyu, i owe you one" you grin at her before rushing out of yhe classroom, your strawberry monster can in your hand.


you decided to stop at wangsheng cafe again, mainly due to your stomach growling (either to food or the fact that the energy drink did nothing). 

the little bell on the door rang as you stepped inside the little cafe. while albedo was at the cashier as usual, another dark haired man caught your eye.

a wave of deja vu flooded you as you walked closer to the front.

"oh hello y/n." albedo smiled, taking his eyes off his phone. 

"hello albedo, its great to see you again." you reply, although not taking your eyes off of albedos colleague. your gaze is followed by albedo.

"oh, do you know zhongli?" he asks, and then something clicks. 

"no way- zhongli??" zhongli notices before walking over.

"how can i help you?" he was still the same as in middle school.

"zhongli i dont know if you remember, but im y/n l/n! you used to tutor me in middle school when i was a first year." 

a soft grin formed on his face. "yes, yes i do remember. how are you y/n? still in need of writing help?"

"aha... actually im an english major" you chuckle. 

"well that's surprising, you always complained about that subject. what got you to change?" 

"i guess i just lost interest in biology. anyway, it was great to see you zhongli."

"it was nice to see you too. but you'll be coming here more often yes? albedo told me you liked the meal he recommended."

you look at albedo, who is busy drawing on an old receipt.

"yes i believe i will."

a/n: wee im excited for next chapter

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