Chapter 3

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It was an amazing few weeks. Y/N started to get along with Millie, despite her scandic accent. "I believe my favorite character is Tallstar! Despite some people saying he is a boring and basic character, he really is relatable!" Millie said, a giant smile on her face. Y/N had also learned that Millie and Jim had a thing for each other. Actually, Jim and Millie were dating and if Y/N had to be honest. They were cute as fuck.

The two were complete opposites. Jim was an edgy emo boy and Millie was an artistic, nerdy girl. Complete opposites, yet they are deeply in love. Y/N had it hard to believe that they had been in love and known each other for not even a few months before they started dating. They had now been dating for 3 years.

In her mind, it was impossible for teenagers to be that in love. Then she remembered her dear friend, who she did have a thing for during the summer vacation. Yes, she cared for Ranboo, but she was not anywhere near a romantic relationship and still thought Ranboo of nothing more than a friend. Of course, you would say otherwise if you heard their little summer crush story. You'd probably say they were meant for each other.

But Y/N thought otherwise. She thought, that it was never meant to be. At least not romantically.

"Y/N? You ok? Am I rambling too much? I'm sorry!" Millie apologized, seeing Y/N not listening to her anymore. Y/N looked at the small scandic girl and raised her hand, giving her an apologetic smile. "Sorry Millie. I was just thinking" Y/N apologized. This got Millie's attention. The scandic girl's expression softened. She had that soft, motherly vibe over here. "Is something wrong?" Millie asked, looking into Y/N's Y/E eyes. Before Y/N could answer Jim walked over, wrapping his arms around Millie's waist. "Gotcha!" Jim exclaimed and started to tickled Millie. The scandic girl squealed and tried to wiggle out of Jim's grasp. "Jimbo! No! Let go!" Millie laughed.

The dark haired boy let go of his girlfriend and had a kind smile on his face. "Sorry Millie Billie!" He said and intertwined his fingers with hers. Y/N watched the scene and wished to disappear. She felt like a giant third wheel. Till' Ranboo came along and he was wearing... No way!

He came in wearing ripped skinny jeans, a light zip-up hoodie, converse shoes and... His well-known Paramore t-shirt! He had on his black mask and used his hair to cover both his eyes. "Guess who lost a bet~" Jim said in a teasing sing-song tone, pointing at Ranboo. Y/N looked at Ranboo, seeing what Jim had done to him. What bet did Ranboo agree to, that made him do this! "Come on Mark! Move your hair" Jim said, walking over to Ranboo.

"No!" Ranboo said, crossing his arms. He was acting childish. It took about 2 minutes of struggling before Jim was able to move Ranboo's hair out of his face. On his face was displayed a beautifully and well-done, clean, thin eyeliner. Y/N slapped a hand over her mouth, seeing Ranboo with eyeliner and... Jim stole Ranboo's face mask running off with it. Jim had put fake snake bite piercings on Ranboo. Fake! Piercings! Ranboo had been completely Emofied. Y/N couldn't help but laugh at Ranboo standing there, having had a complete emo make-over. It was absolutely gorgeous.

"Ranboo! You are so pretty!" Y/N laughed, cupping Ranboo's face with her hands. "I lost a bet! That's all!" Ranboo complained, using his hand to cover the fake piercings. Y/N couldn't help but take a selfie with Emoboo. This was going to be great for black mail! The school day went on with teasing and picking at Ranboo's little emo make-over.

At lunch, was not fun and games... The four sat at a cafeteria table, just talking and having fun. "Y/N is it ok if I add you on Snap? If you have it of course!" Millie smiled. Y/N was confused but nodded. She pulled out her phone and opened snap. "Here." Y/N showed it to Millie instead. She did see Millie as someone who could become a great friend, but she wasn't sure yet.

The scandic girl added Y/N on snap and nodded. After they just chatted and enjoyed themselves. Millie was drawing, Jim was giving Y/N funny stories about Ranboo, all embarrassing. Ranboo, of course, denied every single one of them. Than... A group of boys walked up to them, looking at Ranboo. "The hell happened to you?" The first guy asked. He had on the school's jersey. A Chad. Y/N didn't like where this was going.

"I lost a bet, Chad" Ranboo said, looking the boy in the face, not flinching or showing any kind of hesitation. His name is even Chad? That's funny. "I sure hope so fuck-stain! You're giving us a bad rep in the volleyball team!" He spits in Ranboo's face. He did not even flinch. Ranboo had the most intimidating eyes ever. If looks could kill, the Chad would be dead before he could even say something. "Yeah... ok... I'm sorry, my mistake..." Ranboo said in a calm voice. The guy backed off and glared at Ranboo. "Careful Mark Nathaniel... Your walking on thin ice" He said and walked off.

Millie had hidden herself behind her sketch book, Jim had his hands on the table, ready if a fight was to break out. Y/N just sat there. She was terrified. "What just happened?" Y/N asked, looking at Ranboo. "That was Chad, the captain of the volleyball team. He is only captain because he is a senior. Ranboo happens to be vice-captain, because he is also a senior. They are the only two seniors there so they have to get along, since they are captain and vice-captain, but they see themselves as rivals. And with Ranboo' s new look, and the fact he is vice-captain gives Chad the reputation that he doesn't want" Jim explained. So that's what the Chad meant by reputation. Y/N had a feeling it was going to be a hard year. 

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