Chapter 1

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It was a Nice bright morning, with the sound of something hitting a window. Ranboo let out an annoyed sigh and chuckled afterwards. He got out of the comfort of his bed and opened his curtains to see a grinning Y/N.
Ranboo let out a sigh, smiling and opening his window.

"Morning Y/N" Ranboo Said tiredly, looking at Y/N. She smiled at him happily. "You need to get busy... We are starting school in 30 minutes" She Said with a smug look.

Ranboo panicked and ran around his house to get ready. He was in full panic. Yep, it was that time again, where school would start. It was always stress, but when you forget to set an alarm... It all just goes down hill. And that happened to Ranboo. Y/N was standing outside his house on her phone, knowing he was stressing. 

When Ranboo exited his door, he almost face planted into the concrete. Y/N looked at Ranboo, almost falling. Y/N giggled and put a hand on her friends shoulder. "We won't walk today. My mother will drive us" Y/N said, as Ranboo tried looked at Y/N. 

The two now sat in the car, listening to music, Specificly lovejoy. When they arrived, Y/N's mother asked to talk with Ranboo. "Mark... Promise me to take care of Y/N... I know she has problem socializing..." Y/N's mother said. Ranboo understood her worry and promised to take care of her. When he left the car, he was met with Y/N being up in his face. "C'mon Boo!" Y/N said with a smile and was still up in his face. Ranboo put his hand on her face and pushed her away gently. "Ok, But get out of my face Window Girl!" He said, walking off.

"Hey wait up!" Y/N called following Ranboo. This school was much bigger... Tiffany was going off to the college beside them. Y/N looked ahead and saw a girl with blonde hair, blue eyes and glasses talking with a boy, with a brown hair. The boy had his hair in a ponytail, since he had grown a mullet. Apparently, they were standing next to Ranboo's locker... and they knew Ranboo!

"Hey Mark! How was the summer?" The boy asked in a soft voice. He had such a soft expression on his face that was so readable. "It was great, actually" Ranboo said and looked at Y/N. "This is Y/N by the way! She's my new neighbor" Ranboo introduced me. The girl with blonde hair looked at Y/N and smiled. "My name is Millie, It's great to meet you" She said with a slight accent. She definetly wasn't american. "My name is Jim" The boy greeted, his soft blue eyes being mesmerizing. He was good looking.


There are so many people here... I hate it. The two infront of me were so irritating. They seemed nice enough, but also seemed so fake at the same time! I was uncomfortable talking with these people and stood shoulder to shoulder with Ranboo... Well not actually shoulder to shoulder, he is tall, but you get the idea. Ranboo looked at me with his kind stormy eyes and they seemed to soften. "It's ok Y/N, they are good people" Ranboo told me. I looked back at Millie, who had a book in her hand. I tried to read the titel of the book. Warrior... cats? Sounded lame. 

"Anyway, we were waiting for you Mark! We were going to get our school scheduel of the year, wanna tag along?" Jim asked looking at both me and Ranboo. I didn't feel comfortable with them, but I nodded anyway. I just gotta get through today. "Y/N, you know we can just go you and I..." Ranboo said, raising an eyebrow at me. I blushed in embarrasment as Jim laughed a bit. "It's alright! I get it! Sorry if we overwhelmed you" Jim said, having a giant grin on his face. He was definetly good looking. I think the reason he was at the bottom of the line with me, was because he was obviously Emo. He had a black viel bride t-shirt on and a dark grey zip-up hoodie, with his sleeves rolled up and plenty of black wrist bands. Can't forget the skinny ripped jeans and thoes converse shoes. 

Millie on the other hand was different. She wore a flower pattern, shoulderless t-shirt with a black top underneath.  She was wearing a light blue flowy shirt, that went down a little further than her knees and she had on white shoes, with a tiny bow on them. The two were complete opposites. 

"We'll be going now" Millie said and left, Jim following close behind her. "Why does she have that weird accent?" I asked, looking at Ranboo. He turned to me, with unamusment in his eyes. "Y/N she's scandic... She's from Scandinavia" Ranboo said, looking at me in my eyes. "And what the fuck does scandic and Scandinavia?" I tilted my head, as I watched Ranboo pinch the bridge of his nose. "She's from North Europe Y/N... Millie is Danish" Ranboo said, moving his hand and turning to his locker, to drop of his bag. 

"She still sounds funny to me" I said and leaned against the locker next to him. "She can't help it. She has been fighting with English for quite some time and she can finally speak fluently" Ranboo said, closing his locker. Damn, these people were actual, maybe ok? I mean, I know danish people can't do shit, but they are also fucking brutal. So many butchers in Denmark. "Alright, fair point. Now lets go get our Scheduel Mr. Boo" I said and grabbed his wrist, dragging him along. 















AYUP GUYS IT IS I!!!! Your lovely Author-Chan and it is 2022! So what better way to start the year than to start a new chapter of our story? WE ARE BACK WITH THE SUMMER CRUSH SERIES!!! And boy, we are only getting started! SO MANY BOOKS AHEAD! This is the only book where we will come into their school life, Because I have decided their both seniors and no more school, so no more school drama for you.

Only in this book! I hope you will come to love this series as much as I love making it! 

Your beloved!

- Author~Chan

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