Part 3- Response Test

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A few moments later, the belt led us into a new place. There was a room in font of the conveyor belt, and in it was another one of us. I had no idea what he was doing there.

That was when I heard a voice from the speaker say,

The guy inside the room then says,

The announcer then says,

The guy beside the defective one then answers,
And then we continue to the defective one.

It repeats the same cycle, but instead of saying "Hello", the defective guy says in his funny voice,
"Uhh, I'm not defective!"

The platform he was standing on then catapults him backwards into a place that I can't see. He lets out a scream that sounded like he was getting tortured. I guess that's what happens to the defective guys. No second chances for them.

I was next.
"Hello," I say.

That was easy. The conveyor belt then leads me into the next stage.

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