Chapter Thirty

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Wow we are close to 30 wooo I been on this app for to long lol

Ranboo quickly turned around and saw the two boys walking and talking to Wilbur as he is completely red from what you believe was embarrassment.

'Oh gosh, this is gonna be a long night..'

As the 5 people sit together y/n was basically looking down at there food completely still worried about the event from earlier. You couldn't even stop thinking of it until ranboo softly bumped your leg wakening you from your overthinking thoughts. Ranboo proceeds to grab the napkin closest to him and writing down the following: "I could tell you're still thinking about it but at least try to eat :)" you Grabbed the napkin and read it and gave a soft smile to the tall male and slowly start to eat little by little until it was just you who they were waiting on. The 4 boys chatted amongst themselves and ranboo would talk to you almost every 5 minute sparking new conversations and ended up laughing way to much. But during that time while you guys were there you could feel Wilbur staring a lot and ranboo would motion it sometimes. But as you slowly finish you and ranboo spark a conversation about the amusement parks you guys use to go to when you were both little. And soon enough it cause the 3 other males to go silent and listen. "Wait you were the boy who punched the kid because he cut in-front us us!? Awe that's so sweet! I didn't even know it was you" you laughed and ranboo would put his head down in shame from what he did. "I didn't mean to punch him! I wasn't even bullying him" ranboo spoke earning a laugh from the small teenager. "Do you weren't kidding about punching a kid?!" Tubbo spoke completely losing it out of laughter then soon followed by you and ranboo . The other two males were completely silent as the laughter died down from the 3 other people. As the silents fills the table you continue to eat. As you eat your last bite you hear a cough from ranboo and which quickly make you look up and see him looking at Wilbur AGAIN. you can't help but feel frustrated as he looked at you, it was like as if he was looking at some part of your face but you can't tell since you would have to look at him. As you all stack your plates ranboo tries to ease the tension. "Hey would you guys wanna go on one more ride before we all have to head to the car?"

As you debate on going on the ride he had thought about, you finally agreed along with the rest of the boys at the table. Soon enough you all got up and payed and started to walk out of the restaurant. "So what ride do you have in mind?"

"The Ferris wheel!"





My Light Of Joy {WilburxReader}Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang