Chapter Twenty

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Yal fucking hot sorry


Soon Wilbur's head was placed on yours as you both spend the rest of the night watching the stars with each other as some others watch or try to listen to the small conversations you both would make once in awhile.


The next morning

you finally wake up to the sound of your phone ringing and as you normally do you leave it alone. But sadly it keeped ringing and ringing and ringing untill you finally deside to pick it up revealing that wilbur has been calling you this entire time

you finally answer the phone call


"Ah hello y/n! I just wanna let you know that the roadtrip might be pushed tomorrow or in 2 days tops. some people acidentally booked there plane tickets the wrong day and made it tomorrow or 2 days from now. I really hope we did not ruin any of your plans. Are you still up for the roadtrip?" wilbur spoke sounding slightly worriee knowing you might cancel due to streaming days

"i mean sure why not! Sure im supose to stream and stuff but that can wait, i do need to pacl though" y/n said acting slightly sad as wilbur laughed at your silly reactions

"alright, i'll leave you to it! don't forget to pack..." wilbur said with a small pause debating to say the following words

"love you y/n bye" he quickly hanged up that leaves you startled by his actions but felt all warm and fuzzy inside with a smile plastered on your face

After that small conversation you look through your notification seeing that karl sent you some messages

karl: Hey y/n! I was wondering do you wanna go get some ice cream? I found our childhood ice cream place we use to go to! Let me know if you wanna go today


Love you and make sure to eat something today❤️

hmm..maybe going out today after im done packing won't be so bad right? After some thought you think that maybe spending more time with karl would be like old times


sure! Its been awhile since we saw mrs.Tea Pot right?

so you might be wondering who is mrs.Tea Pot? Well she got her name by working at a roller skating diner and she loved doing the teapod pose alot


Great! Pick you up at 5 pm? I know its only 1 and you might of just woken up but thats when she gets 5 minutes of her shift left then she goes home


Alrighty! Meet you at 5, love you karl and stay safe for me will you?


love you to y/n and i'll stay safe, you do the same!

wow..y/n has alot of work to do huh? Well time to start packing..

Karl Pov

(f/f is favorite flower)

this is great! I finally get to talk to y/n.. maybe i get her a small f/f? Maybe we can go to the park tonight and star gaze, we don't really do that anymore but whats the harm in doing that right?..


am i being to clingy?..

am i really gonna hunt down y/n during a roadtrip to keep them for myself?


wilbur is a good pare for them though..maybe its time to let go and charise the moments?




yea maybe its time i give up and try finding someone else but..if she dose like me back should i go back to them??

I had to delete this because I don't wanna complain lmao but I'm tired so I'm editing (kinda)


My Light Of Joy {WilburxReader}Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant