Chapter 16

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The plot's starting to get a bit sPiCy the next few chapters 😉

🏎 Circuit Paul Ricard - France 🏎

Alessandro's POV

"Alessandro, we've been hearing a lot about a few issues the team has been facing since Baku. Care to share more on that?"


"Well of course my team is working hard to sort things out and I can't say much on internal matters, but we are here to win and we'll do whatever it takes to make that happen."

"Does this involve Lando and the whole team, or is it just unique to your crew?" the reporter pressed, quickly pushing the microphone into my face again.

"Uh, as far as I am aware it's just between my crew. And I really hope it stays that way."

"How come you were unable to get into the top 10 for qualifying?"

Because I just wasn't good enough.

"The cars performance just wasn't there, but the team has done some tweaking on it. I think we should be okay for the race," I replied, clenching my jaw.

"What are your hopes for the weekend?"

Your eventual job loss.

"Definitely hoping for some decent points this weekend, Paul Ricard is a very straightforward circuit so I'm optimistic," I replied, repeating my very rehearsed and scripted response.

I wonder if they realize I give the same response to that question every time.

"Thank you for your time," the reporter said.

I gave him a nod before hurrying into the paddock so I could get to the McLaren garage without being stopped again.

"Good morning!" Lando called from his side of the garage as I entered from the back entrance.

"Morning," I replied, less enthusiastically.

"Not a good morning I take it?" he asked as I removed my hat.

"No morning is a good morning. Especially if you're hounded by reporters on your way to work."

"Unfortunate, but comes with the job description," he shrugged.

I disappeared into my driver room to get changed and wait for my physio to come in. We went through some reflex drills to get me ready for qualifying.

My mind wandered to the final night in Baku when I had seen Dakota leave the FIA building, her face pale.

She stood right under the bright floodlights, allowing me to see her figure clearly. She had seen me standing on the balcony, but didn't seem to realize who it was.

Dakota had been on my mind the entire week.

She looked beautiful yesterday. Something about her looked different, but I couldn't figure out what it was until Carmen pointed out her hair.

Her long hair was left open, falling down to her waist. She was dressed in white wide legged trousers, a teal satin cami tucked into the waist line.

We hadn't spoken a word to each other, aside from the round of spitfire we had.

Now a part of me was itching to see her again.

As odd as it sounds, her banter made my day more interesting. I looked forward to hearing the shit come out of her mouth, which concerned me to an extent.

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