chapter 14 ✧ Autumn Leaves ✧

Start from the beginning

While he was occupied with his own thoughts, Jungwoo's eyes were still occupied on him.He knew it was rude to stare but he couldn't help it. He was literally dazed by the man sitting beside him and agreed that it was better to be sober. His eyes bounced back and forth between Jaehyun and the view he was admiring. He wanted to say something but was pleased in the comfortable silence.

A few moments later Jaehyun exhaled lightly, "Enjoying the view?" he said, turning to face Jungwoo.

Jungwoo averted his attention out the window, "oh's lovely...although I see it everyday," he laughed to himself.

Jaehyun paused for a moment and laughed along with him. But what he really meant was the view of him.

'Autumn leaves' played kindly over the cafe's speaker. It was a complimenting tune for the beautiful evening. Both boys instinctually sang along replacing the melody with their own; one harmony was a sweet baritone while the other an innocent falsetto. Jungwoo wanted to lean closer so that he could hear that charming voice reach his eardrums a little better.

While comfortable in the moment, he planted a small touch on the man's hand, as simple as a brush over tea. But Jae only reacted with the smallest change in expression as if it was an accidental touch from a friend. After a while, he slightly turned his head to hide a smile.

"Did you know you have a beautiful singing  voice?" he said while listening to Woo sing cheerfully, "It's angelic."

Jungwoo blushed at his words, "A little, but my cousin says I sound like a dolphin."

Jaehyun laughed immediately as if he heard the funniest joke. After finally composing himself he placed his empty cup back into the cupholder. "Well, It's a cute dolphin. I'd listen to it all day."


A few hours passed with just the two of them chatting normally and Jungwoo imagined Jaehyun spilling a drink onto his lap and in a startled response reaching for napkins. Jungwoo would then reach over to help him with the spot on his pants and would feel Jaehyun's deep breathing. He would then not be able to avoid the soft kiss

The wind from Jaehyun waving his hand finally hit Jungwoo's face and caused him to snap out of his imaginary daydream.

"Shall we get going?" Jaehyun asked, "Sorry we couldn't spend more time together, I resume my schedule tomorrow.. you understand right?" he said it so assuredly because he knew Jungwoo knew his every move.

"Of course," Jungwoo said, still a little warm from his wild imagination.

Once outside, they both took a breath of fresh air.  "Do you live close by?" The non-incognito star inquired.

"I live about thirty minutes away, I normally take the train." Even Jungwoo suddenly wondered why he didn't dare try to hide his image.

"I can walk you to the station."

Jungwoo almost declined but realized that would be stupid. "I'd like that", he smiled. He wanted to take advantage of every second with him. So they began walking and continued their normal chatting, this time a little more about Jaehyun since Jungwoo felt he always spoke about himself. As they walked on the wide sidewalk, they stayed close to one another so their shoulders naturally brushed into one other.

During the evening, Jungwoo had to fight back moments of spontaneity. He had to switch off his Fan brain (which would probably say saranghaeyo so normally) and remember that the guy beside him was also his friend. So he decided that he would suppress his feelings a little better so that he could stay by his crush's side.

Once they reached Cheongdam station, Jungwoo walked right on by it. Jaehyun held onto his arm to get him to notice and Jungwoo's eyes finally looked around at his surroundings. "Oh silly me," he laughed.  He was so inundated with Jae's presence he passed the station he frequented daily.

Jaehyun sent him away first and waved with the hand not deeply in his pocket, "Get home safe."

Jungwoo bowed goodbye and walked down onto the cemented stairs. A few moments later Jaehyun noticed his head jouncing back from the underground. "Could again?" he knew he wasn't supposed to be pushy, but he couldn't dare go without seeing him again. The thought of only seeing him on his mobile phone was grueling to think of.

" friends?"

"I'm a little busy..." Jae hesitated.

Jungwoo tried to be understanding because he knew that he had a hectic schedule but like a spoiled puppy he could only pout. Underneath his dropped head he heard a chuckle from Jaehyun. He looked up quickly to see him smiling.

"But I have some time after my set on the 31st, then I'm free." 

Jungwoo's pupils grew, "So...I'll see you again? On New Years Eve?"

Jaehyun nodded. Although he wasn't exactly sure when he'd be finished that day, he vowed to keep the evening open. He couldn't imagine breaking his promise to Jungwoo. Plus it was easier to keep him by his side since it was impossible to forget him.

He then nudged the happy boy back down the steps so that he could catch the next train before it became dark. Woo oblidged and as he ran his wagging tail disappeared behind him. 

While on the train, Jungwoo popped in his headphones and blasted his music loudly. Passengers gawked at his silly antics as he danced along to the music which suited the night perfectly. Just a few more weeks until he could see his prince again, he anticipated. He will have to endure the longing of missing him, but it was nothing he wasn't accustomed to already.

Even if he never met Jaehyun again, he was content. But deep inside, he was hoping this wasn't the end.

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