On the rest

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I sat at my regular lunch table patiently waiting for kamiya, she texted me saying she was gonna stop at the fending machine before lunch so not to panic

I was using my phone looking through my camera roll, I had a huge obsession with myself and I was not afraid to admit it.

Just as I was about to click the next video somebody clicked into the seat next to me.

I looked over expecting kamiya but instead I was faced with zennyy, she was smiling just like last time.

It wasn't weird but it was weird at the same time like why are you so happy.

"Hi zennyy" I said calmly

"Hiii lisanna" She replied

I smiled a little at the way she said my name, she was like a little kid on a candy rush 24/7

Before the conversation could continue kamiya sat next to me, she put a bottle of sprite in front of me and a snickers.

It's like she knew me but she didn't.

"Making new friends I see" kamiya said popping open her coke.

"Something like that" I said turning my head back to zennyy

"Zennyy this is kamiya and kamiya this is zennyy" I said looking between them

"Hi doll" kamiya said smiling

"Hey" zennyy said smiling as always

"Kamiya is my only friend so it's only right that you be her friend too if you want to stay my friend zennyy" I said looking over at her

"Are we in the second grade" she said fixing one of her rings

"Is that a trick question" i said

"Literally no" she replied

"Exactly" I said laughing by myself

"Zennyy what are you doing later" kamiya said

"I had plans to watch bad girls club with my dog but if you have other ideas then I guess I can cancel" zennyy said

"Right...." Kamiya said taking a pause

"So anyways let's all hang out" kamiya said while brushing her blond instal

I had to say it was super pretty and looked good on her. It was giving me mean girl vibes and I was down for it.

"Cool" zenny said fixing her necklace

It's as if she couldn't go five seconds without touching her jewelry.

Okay guys let's meet in the 5th building down stairs after school, then we can go from there.

I simply nodded before taking a sip of my sprite, it was extra bubbly just how I like it.


I stood in the 5th building as instructed earlier waiting for kamiya and zennyy. I watched as all the kids passed by with my hands in front of me

"Check me out" I heard somebody next to me say

I turned to come face to face with a tall ass boy, he had twist and a super nice face structure.

"Hi" I said taking a step back

He was standing so close I thought he was gonna snatch me up, he smiled at the fact that I moved back

He has braces and they were black which weirdly matched him really nice.

"What yo name is" he said looking down at me

"You mean what is my name not what yo name is" I said staring at him

He stared blankly and I stared back.

"Lisanna, my name is lisanna" I said speaking up.

"Mhm, you pretty gurl" he said looking at me

"Yea thank you" I said looking behind him, thankfully zennyy was coming towards us With kamiya

"Sorry I gotta go" I said about to walk away

"Nawll drop the number"

"Sorry my luv her boyfriend kill niggas like you for fun" kamiya said grabbing my hand

"Fuck allat I'll kill dat Nigga" the boy said looking at Kamiya

"Big lol, he kill you and he gone start counting on his toes. Back up lil boy my brother don't play bout her." kamiya said looking at him

"Now let's go I'm bored" zennyy said stretching

Kamiya pulled my arm and we walked away from the boy to the parking lot

"Aww guys you didn't have to scare him like that" I said

"Let it be known tana don't play, you should know this yourself" kamiya said pulling out her car key

"I already do know ugh omg" I was about to get in the car before tanas all black Mercedes pulled up next to us.

I rolled my eyes forgetting he said he was gonna pick me up.

He put the window down popping his head out a little. It smelled like pure weed and smoke was coming out.

"Don't make me say nun" he said before putting the window back up

"I feel like jus going and punching this Nigga through the window because he really thought he ate" I said rolling my eyes again

Kamiya laughed while zennyy stood confused

"Zennyy this is the infamous tana aka my psycho boyfriend" I said looking over at her

"Right right" she said fixing her chain

"Guys please jus go to kamiyas house and I'll meet you guys there before this Nigga has a heart attack"

"Gotchu" they both said at the same time

I fixed my bag on my shoulder and walked to the passenger side to get in

I sat down in the Smokey car and looked Over at tana

He grabbed my face pecking my lips before pulling out the parking lot and zooming off.

Yeaaaa let's jus hope he don't got me all the way fucked Up today okay.

Guys ugh I'm sorry this chapter is so short but I jus wanted to at least put SOMETHING out there so y'all could read

Please forgive me the next chapter will be way longer okay but don't @ me🙄🙄

Anyways I love y'all n thank you for reading this far


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