I. Four Teenage Boys

Start from the beginning

Eddie pushed through the crowd and stepped off the train. There was a young adult there instructing where they all had to go. "First timers with me and the rest of you know where to go! Dinner is all ready for you lot!" The adult yelled.

The man was tall and had a blond mullet that Eddie was sure most girls were attracted to. The boy was wearing a The Kinks shirt and black ripped jeans. He saw Bill run over to him and hug him. Eddie made his way over to the crowd of people next to them. "Hey Henry! Haven't seen you in awhile. Isn't Connor starting this year? He's my age right?" The brown hair boy smiled.

"Oh yeah. He's in his dorm right now being lazy. He is nervous because he doesn't know anyone." Henry explained.

"Welp no one does so tell him not to be nervous, but I have to go say bye to my parents and Georgie now so bye." Bill stated as he spun on his heal and made his way back in the train.

When students stopped flowing out of the train Bill made his way back over to them all. He saw Eddie and ran over to him. "Hey Eddie!"

"Hi Bill. Do you know how long we are supposed to stand here?"

"Until Henry gets the okay to start the tour I guess."

As if on Que, Henry started talking. "Alright lads and ladies! Let's get on with the tour shall we!"

The tour itself took about 30 minutes due to the size of the school. He handed them all papers with their names on their assigned dorms. "I suggest you all eat and then get settled in. Get a good nights of sleep because tomorrow will be a long day! Hope you all have a great year here." Henry smiled before he ran off.

Eddie and Bill quickly checked their papers to see if they shared a dorm and quickly let out a cheer when they saw they were. "Yes!" Eddie yelled. "At least I will know someone!"

Bill nodded and they ran to the dining hall to eat. They quickly finished and made their way to their dorm. When they stepped in their dorm Eddie looked around.

To the left of the door was a coat rack and a place to store their shoes. There was two bunk beds on either sides of the wall and a night stand next to each. On one side there was a closet and four dressers. On the other side of the room their was a small chair with a dark blue rug under it. Next to the chair was a bookshelf and a desk. The door was surprisingly big.

Two other boys walked in with them. Bill turned to them with smiled. "Hello! I'm Bill." He greeted.

Eddie on the other hand started worrying like his mother always did which made him nervous inside. He didn't want to be like his mom. "We have to sleep in bunk beds! What if the top one falls and collapses onto the bottom one and and what if the bottom one breaks and the whole thing collapses! We could die Bill." Eddie complained, his accent sounding quite different from Bills.

"I'm sorry, but shortstack over here is right Billiam." The boy with glasses and curly, fluffy, black hair agreed. Freckles scattered on his nose and under his eyes and he was wearing Queen shirt with black jeans that he paired with black docs. He was quite attractive if you asked Eddie, but not in that way. Eddie wasn't gay.

Bill rolled his eyes and climbed on one of the top bunks and bounced up and down on it. "See lads, you are fine. My rich grandparents wouldn't have bought shitty bunk beds."

"You're a Denbrough?!" The other boy exclaimed. The boy had curly dirty blond hair and brown eyes. He was wearing a light brown sweater and black dress pants with brown converse and a black belt.

"Yep." Bill confirmed. They all chose their dressers and got a section of the closet and began unpacking. When they were finished they chose their beds. Eddie took one of the top bunks and he would have shared with Bill, but Bill wanted a top too so he ended up with the boy with glasses in the bunk below him.

They were all talking and getting to know each other, well besides Stan who was quite most of the time, and it turns out their personalities went well together. When the conversations died out the black haired boy was the first to speak. "Well i'm taking a walk so whoever wants to join can."

Stan just shook his head. "I'm going to stay here and get some rest." Bill stated.

"I'll come." Eddie shrugged and he grabbed his blazer off the coat rack and followed the taller boy out the door. They passed through the student lounge and into the corridors of the old school.

They started to walk around the halls in silence when Richie spoke. "So Eddie you didn't talk much so tell me about yourself now."

Eddie rolled his eyes. "I'm a pretty boring person. Their isn't anything to talk about."

"Still. Tell me something I don't know."

"I was a major theater kid in middle school." Eddie shrugged, slightly embarrassed by what he was sharing.

Richie nodded and gave him a smile. "That's cool. Also the way Bill talks is going to annoy the shit out of me, but I guess I better get used to it because this is a boarding school in the England."

"Yeah I got my passport for this. I hate my picture."

Richie just stifled a small laugh. "You should see mine. I was like 8 and I look so mad to be there!"

Eddie laughed. "You're definitely showing me that later." He smiled.

"I am definitely not." Richie corrected.

"I-." He was interrupted by a older student patrolling the halls.

"Look it's the first day so i'll let detention slide, but if I catch you again you won't be so lucky." The older student stated. "Now go to bed."

The two boys groaned before running back down the hall to the steps. They climbed up the steps and went through the student lounge to get to their dorm. When they entered Bill was asleep and snoring softly as Stan read a book titled, "Birds of the UK."

They both quietly took of their shoes and Richie climbed in bed and took of his glasses. Moments later the raven haired boy was fast asleep.

Eddie pulled off his vest, oxford, and jeans and replaced them with pajama pants before climbing up the ladder to his bed.

Stan saw them both falling asleep and decided to call it a night. He turned the lamp off on his side table and set his book down as darkness filled the room. He pulled the dark blue covers over himself and closed his eyes.

The four boys fell asleep that night with no idea how close they would all soon get.

Word count: 1,838

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