the party

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y/n's point of view
october 28th, 2016
chapter 19

We got our food and headed back to the gazebo. There are many food options, so i got a tad bit of everything. Lowkey almost tripped and dropped my food moving on..... I sit down at the table and start eating.

Ron comes over to me and takes a lumpia.
*lumpia is basically an egg roll*
i shoot him a look and he just smiles. what an ass.
At this point i'm full barley can move and in a food coma. Who ever made the mac and cheese was hella good. let me tell you, that mac and cheese make my knees weak. I notice that Josh is straight up staring at me. I continue eating and try to avoid any eye-contact with him. Nick gets up to get more food and i trail behind him. We heard the door bell ring so Nick went to go open the door to see who it was. William Brooks walked in and greeted everyone. Mr. Brooks came to the kitchen to get food. He notices me and we had a small conversation.

"Oh hello!" he exclaimed.

"hi" i say with a little wave.

"I've never seen you around here before? Are you guys new here?" he says while putting food on his plate.

"Yeah my family and I came down from Hawai'i during the summer." i said.

"Hawai'i?! WOAH THATS SO COOL! did u do the hula?" he says while doing some random dance moves."

i giggled "only when i was little, it's been awhile since i've done it though."

"that's still super cool" he says

"yeah, i'm gonna head outside now, the guys are outside if you would like to come join us." i say while heading back outside.

Once again Ron steals my lumpia...

"HEYY, that was mine" i pouted. "what do you want me to get you a plate just for you?"

He nods his head. I scoff. i get up from my seat to get more lumpia. As i get up Josh stands up as-well. I didn't notice until i got to the kitchen while putting the lumpia on the plate.

"Hey pretty lady." He says while walking up to me.

"Ahh hello." I say while putting a lot of sweet chili sauce on the plate. As i was about to leave the kitchen something happens.

"Wait!" he says while he grabs me and pulls me back

"AH!" i yelp.

I was shocked that he pulled me back... I look down at my clothes and all over my skin, it's covered in the sweet chili sauce. I glance back at him, and give him one of the most dirtiest looks. The parents rushed over to us and see what the commotion was about. When they saw what happened Nick's parents rushed me up the stairs to the bathroom and told me to take a shower. They gave me a towel and some of Nick's clothes. Right now I'm super embarrassed, having sauce spilt all over me.

Everyone is occupied with something, so they don't notice me walking down to the stairs. I go back outside to go hang out with the group. Josh stares blankly at me, i think he wants to apologize for what happened in the kitchen. Nick is shocked that i came out with his clothes. His mouth was wide open not knowing what to say as well. Well after that, it was just a normal party! Music, dancing, more eating, and yeah.

It was getting pretty late. It was about 11pm by this point?

We packed up some food togo since there was plenty. We made like 3 plates? We headed home after an eventful party.
sorry for the long wait.
i started school a month ago, and i hate it so much :(
here's another chapter ! after months of waiting...
-ley 💕

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