As his face got closer, a part of me knew exactly what he was going to do. And I couldn’t wait for him to do it but then, of course, his phone started ringing again. That seemed to snap both of us out of our trances. He gently rolled off of me and immediately answered the phone, clearly agitated. “Hello?” He snapped. I heard a few mumbles on the other end of the phone but didn’t hear at all what they wear saying. “Well, don’t worry about me, all right? I'm not your responsibility.” He hung up, not waiting for them to even reply.

“Who-who was that?” I asked, cautiously. He sighed, visibly relaxing when he heard my voice. He turned to me and gave a slight smile, tossing his phone on the couch.

“Oh, just… Brittany. She's so clingy, it’s annoying. She always wants to know what I'm doing and when I'm doing it. Were not even dating! She constantly calls and texts and… I don’t know. I'm just done with her.” I couldn’t help the small smile that crept up on my face. He looked at me and looked like he found something humorous in me, because he always smiled softly. I regained my serious look, hoping he didn’t notice that I was happy about that.

I checked my phone and noticed the time. “Oh, I, uh, better get home… schools almost out.” I can’t believe I had just spent most of the day hanging out with Liam Carson! My day has just intensified in so many ways. I spent the entire day with my crush, wow.

He looked sad for a second, then nodded. “Yeah, uh, well, I had fun with you today, Liyah. Come over anytime, I can use some fun every now and then.” I smiled and nodded, then headed out to the front door, shooting one last smile at Liam. Then I smiled even brighter when I noticed… He was already smiling at me.

 My Guide to Popularity: The Story

Chapter Two: That Was Unexpected

                I think Thursday is the most deadly day of the week. You sometimes wake up mistaking it as Friday and you can’t wait until the day is over until it is. One more day ‘til the weekend, I thought. It’s not like I have anything exciting going on but its still a nice thought. I rolled over, and then ended up falling off the edge of the bed. What a lovely way to start off the day. I stood up and zombie walked over to the bathroom, with a groan. "I hate Thursdays," I mumbled. I jumped and nearly fainted when I heard a noise by my window. I turned my head, my hair following dramatically. I grabbed the toilet plunger, ready to attack. A thought crossed my mind, what are you going to do with a plunger? Plunge them to death? But I ignored it.

                Whoa, it's Liam. I decided that I was just dreaming and closed my eyes; I walked away and laid back down in bed, maybe ill wake up now. I heard the knocking on my window again, OK this is weird. AM I dreaming? Why do I think Liam is knocking on my window? My eyes popped open as I realized it wasn’t just a dream, it was real. I jumped up and opened the window, in complete shock. Before I knew it he climbed in and fell on the floor, he tried to lift himself up but he fell to the ground again, so he rolled over on his back. "Liam…?” I asked. There was blood on the bottom left part of his shirt and a bloody scar on his cheek. Oh my god, what happened to him?! 

                I bent down on my knees, my jaw dropped. I was so scared for him. Was he in a fight? Why is he bleeding? Why did he come to me?  "Oh my god… Liam, what the hell happened to you?!" He didn’t say anything, just groaned and pulled up his shirt to reveal his wound. I saw his fit abs and then… oh god, he looks like he was cut or stabbed or something… the cut looks deep and it’s still bleeding! I looked at his appearance and he looked like he hadn’t even gone to bed because he was wearing the same clothes from yesterday. I ran to my closet and pulled on a jacket and a pair of shoes. I was wearing my hello kitty pajamas and my hair was a mess but I didn’t care, all I could think about was Liam. 

My Guide to Popularity: The Story जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें