If I talk to you

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Can you stay a little longer?


It's been three days since the field trip, making today the night of the party. Your field trip group became an established friend group after the boys sat in the same row as you and Rika. Jin sat next to Rika, who sat next to you, who sat next to Jimin, who sat next to Namjoon in the inner seat of the row. Class was waayyyy more fun this way. When you wanted to take a break from the lecture, you'd tune into Jin and Rika's flirtatious mess or screw around with Jimin by playfully clicking on his tabs of his browser. If you really wanted to annoy him, you'd type in 'P' in the search bar. He'd respond by playfully pointing his eyes at you with a smile.

The good part about dorming was that the friendship fell outside the classroom. Namjoon sat next to you in Abnormal Psychology. If you were waiting in line at a food kiosk, Jin would cut the line and join you. Or if you and Rika were in the cafeteria, Namjoon and Jimin would sit with you guys. After the creation of a group chat, you guys pretty much did anything you could find around campus together.

College was really becoming a lot of fun.

Except... Rika was right about Taehyung forgetting the copying situation --- or he was good at acting unbothered. The day after the trip, you tried searching for him in class, but the lecture room seated 200 students and you didn't know where he could be.

Until today.

The lecture already started and you hear the door behind your section open up. Curious, you turn your head to see the late classmate walk in. You're surprised because you imagined that he'd always arrive promptly. And maybe that's usually the case because today his hair was blown across his forehead as if he ran the entire way. His glasses were grasped with the hands that held his books tightly to his chest, afraid to cause too much of a commotion if it slipped.

The instructor smiles briefly his way before continuing on the lecture. Taehyung goes down the stairs, searching for an empty seat nearby. Today, Rika was playing hooky and so you rested your bag on a free chair next to you. If you moved it, would he sit there? You bring down your bag and keep your eyes facing the front. A few seconds later you hear a soft "thank you" as he slips into the seat next to you.

You smile and give a small shake of your head. Placing your cheek in your palm, you look at the instructor, paying attention to the lecture (or at least trying to). Your eyes shift over to his desk as Taehyung situates himself, putting his books in his bag and just taking out a notebook, finally relaxing and cleaning his glasses with the corner of his shirt.

As he places them on, he connects eyes with you. His eyebrows drawing up in surprise. You just smile at him and he gives a small awkward smile before looking down, hiding behind his hair. You wrinkle your nose because he's really cute.

Taehyung covers his ear and opens up his notebook to start taking notes.

As you go back to scribbling yours, Jimin nudges you playfully. You give him a soft "hey" before giving in and typing the letter in his search bar. Jimin slams his computer closed and wiggles his finger at you, but it's too late you already saw what was in his search history. 

Giggling quietly, you turn to face the instructor who gives you a warning look to pay attention. Sitting straighter, you obey.

"Class, I still have 3 minutes left. Please give me a minute and then you can pack up."

You stop putting your notebook in your backpack, giving her attention as she clicks over to the next slide, revealing a project.

The class groans in unison.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05, 2022 ⏰

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