If I look your way

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Can I get the courage to speak to you?


"Animals don't exist to be displayed, they exist to be in their natural habitat."

That was the first time you ever heard your classmate speak, so you almost looked past him when you turned your head. When you realize that no one else is in the reptile room, your eyes fall back to him. The dim room really wasn't helping you get a good look, but your eyes fell on the guy a head taller than you with haircut long overdue as his messy locks fell over his eyes (as if his thick-framed glasses weren't enough to hide them). With his hands in his pockets, he slightly slouched to look at the snakes on the other side of the glass.

"Are you talking to me?" You ask, still sounding surprised at hearing his voice for the first time. After a second of saying it (and a second of silence), you realize how stupid it was of you to ask. You are the only two in the room. Who else would he be talking to?

He doesn't acknowledge your comment, making you stand there with your hands on the glass, completely dumbfounded. You wonder if you just made the entire interaction up, which wouldn't surprise you since you hadn't had lunch yet and it was way past noon. Rika and you had planned to go after this exhibit, but she must've run a little ahead with the guy she suddenly got along really well with. Jin, was it?

Before you can say anything else, Rika runs back into the room. "___! Hurry your ass up! You're keeping everyone waiting."

Apologizing, you hurry over to her, not even aware that they were still waiting for you in the room next door, the exit right there. Before you enter, you glance behind you one more time and see that the guy has his hands over his ears and you wonder if you guys were being too loud. Perhaps he was just talking to himself and not you at all.

To your surprise, it wasn't just Jin waiting, but two other people had tagged along with the group. You recognized the tallest one to be Namjoon and the shorter one of the trio to be Jimin. As you come closer, Namjoon and Jimin turn to look at you while Jin's eyes are on Rika's. If you had to take a wild guess, the Jimin and Namjoon had been talking about who was going to win your attention. It was obvious by their "slick" elbows to each other and small step forward which ended with them bumping into each other. It was barely noticeable, but you caught it and acted like you hadn't at all.

College was a whole other world to you. You got a lot more attention now than you ever did in high school. It wasn't even like you changed much or got prettier. Then again, this was the city, and the city was a lot more diverse than your small suburban hometown. In your hometown, everyone pretty much dated within their small friend group and would just switch partners here and there. You were likeable in highschool, but when it came to boyfriends, you just ended up having more boy friends than boyfriends. Though you had inklings of crushes, but few acted on it.

Stepping onto campus, you naturally made a lot of friends, considering yourself a social butterfly. You met Rika in your dormitory building after you two had a small conversation in the bathroom, drying your hands. "Wanna grab lunch?" was all it took before you two were busting into each other's dorm rooms to rant or pass time.

Rika was from a high school in the city, so she knew a lot of people already. It was definitely thanks to her that you have met many people. As your days on campus passed, you realized how interested guys were into you. Rika would even gush about how her acquaintances didn't forget to mention how pretty her friend was. So, yeah, you felt a bit more confident in yourself.

You give Jimin and Namjoon a small little wave before turning more towards Rika and Jin, expecting them to lead your biology group to the cafe. The reason you all were at the Zoo, was because of the Ecology unit you were currently learning in class. It was a nice little break from the classroom, and a great way to have fun getting to know each other.

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