Chapter 9: An awkward conversation

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P.O.V: Ron

The wedding day came and Bill took the two of us to the side in the morning. He sat the two of us down in the living room, he showed the twins and Ginny out of the room forcefully. He even forced the three of them into a room and locked it. The yelling was priceless but was soon drowned out by the conversation.

"Ok now that that's settled, let's talk about the wedding," Bill started, sitting down on the other couch. "The ceremony will start at 4:30 so be ready by then. You will come over to me at the altar and then I'll say the words and then cut your hands. And before you say anything it's called a blood marriage for a reason. Also, both of you need to wear gloves for the ceremony. But that's not why I'm here. I'll basically tell you what to do during the ceremony. For this to be a legal marriage you two have to consummate the marriage," Bill explained to the two of us. For a moment I was confused about what the hell does consummate ~ OHHHHHHH. My face turned hotter than the sun and my head quickly turned to Hermione who got the picture much faster than I had.

"Do either of you need me to explain the logistics of how to-"

"NO," We both cut him off in loud voices. I suddenly realized why he shut Ginny and the twins in their rooms. There was no way I was ever going to live this down if they found out. Also, I would rather let Snape poison me than have the birds and the bees talk with my older brother.

"Look I'm going to place a sound barrier on Ron's room as well as a lock. Mom has already made a birth control position. I know you two are going to be a little uncomfortable with this but It's a requirement for the paperwork," Bill told the two of us, he himself looked slightly uncomfortable. I wanted to jump out of the window, I hadn't really thought about that. I mean I had thought about it a couple of times but not in the last week or so. I looked over to see Hermione's face which was stone cold. She had the same look on her face that she had when she was thinking about something she didn't yet understand. It was a look I saw a lot in third year when we were in divinations.

"I'll leave the two of you to talk about this, I can keep the hellions at bay for another half an hour but after that, you're on your own," Bill said, getting off the couch and leaving the room quickly.

"Well this is an interesting new development," I said feeling very awkward. Hermione's face turned bright red as I spoke, placing her head in her hands. Even with our confession, it was still a bit much. I mean this was so sped up, there was no room to breathe. No room to think.

"Yeah," Hermione stammered with some difficulty. My brother once told me that stuff like this was different for girls. They wanted it to be special

"I know you're uncomfortable with thi-" I tried to comfort her but was cut off.

"NO- I mean, this- it's... I- very sudden," She sputtered. 

"Do you want to talk about it now or later tonight," I said my face still hot. Hermione looked at me for a moment thinking. Her bushy brows were furrowed looking at me.

"Later, I want to focus on the wedding right now. We'll get there when we get there," Hermione told me.

"But we are gonna have to talk about it though," I sighed, there was no way we were going to consummate this marriage without having some kind of conversation about this.

"I know, it's not that I don't want to... it's just the walls have ears in this house and I don't need the twins ruining my day by embarrassing the both of us," Hermione laughed. Any worry I had about her and me melted as she laughed.

"Alright," I said with a smile, I kissed her forehead quickly. She didn't seem to think this was enough and pulled me back for a full kiss. We broke apart and I went upstairs to realize the hurricanes. They were not happy and started to yell at me, I told them to go take their grievances up with Bill which they promptly did.   

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