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Night had fallen and the city raged on

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Night had fallen and the city raged on.
You know that saying? The city never sleeps.
That was one hundred percent true.
The cars below were just flashes of light, the Oscorp tower radiated a green hue and the honking of taxis below was faint but, Vienna could hear it all.

On any other occasion, Vienna would find solace in her surroundings. What wasn't their to love? She could see the city from above. The Empire State Building provided an enigmatic view, an addicting one at that.

But, Vienna was terrified. The girl's breathing was irregular. Her hands shook in fear...
Somehow, Vienna Wallace, a prima ballerina, stood on the highest ledge of the Empire State Building. And if she inched herself any closer to the edge, the 1453 foot drop would welcome her with open arms.

The last thing Vienna should be doing is standing on the very edge. Yet, there she stood. In her ballerina attire with pointe shoes strapped to her feet. Was she crazy? Apparently so.

Vienna gasped as a cool breeze grazed her skin. Goosebumps trailed up and down her arms only intensifying the brutal thump of her heartbeat. This was terrible. Not only was she looking down at all of Queens but... she wasn't alone.

Vienna turned her head to look behind her. There they were, dressed in black and ready to start a war against ____?  Who were they?  Vienna had no clue. She was too focused on her skin which was pale with a greenish hue. All thanks to the queasy feeling she couldn't shake. Vienna was dizzy... her head was pounding, the rash on her back from the Oscorp explosion was aching and still, she pointed her left foot forward and dragged the right one behind her, in the motion of a circle.

An extremely small circle. The ledge couldn't be more than a foot in width. One wrong move and goodbye Vienna...

Why was she doing a ballet routine on the highest ledge of the Empire State Building? Of all places. Especially when her vision was blurred and she couldn't see properly.

Vienna's legs shook. This was no time for falter in her movements. Usually, Vienna's limbs were languid. Not this time.

Vienna pushed up onto her left foot; she was standing on her toes. The teenager pushed her right foot to stretch behind her.

Before, there used to be a peaceful moment in her dream. But now there wasn't. Rather than the wind knocking her off the ledge a harsh blow to the ribs did so---



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Vienna shot off her bed, in a cold sweat and straight onto the floor. She didn't care though. The sweat dripping down her forehead was the least of her problems. The excruciating ache in her ribs and up her sides was her priority.

VIENNA ⭒ PETER PARKERWhere stories live. Discover now