Dougie, Meet Bella

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Friday, June 18

Dougie and I don't speak in the car on the way to the hospital, or even in the lobby. It's only in the elevator when he finally speaks to me. 

"What is she... like?" 

I turn to him. "Physically or personality-wise?" 

"Both," is his honest reply. 

"Physically, she's skinnier than a 24-year-old should be, and pale, but she's normal. Personality-wise, she's wise and knowledgeable and kind and sweet and understanding. She's not intimidating, but sometimes she can make you feel as though you're an inch tall." 

Dougie nods, but he looks terrified. 

"Hamilton, why are you worrying so much? It's just my sister." 

Dougie's eyes meet mine and he has such determination in them that I blink. "It's just... I don't know. You're so awesome, and you hold your sister in such a high regard that, I dunno, I feel like I'm not good enough?" 

The elevator stops, and I smile, touching my hand to Dougie's elbow (I'd ideally go for his shoulder, but I'm not reaching to my head). 

"Don't worry about it. Bella's very accepting, and trust me, you're good enough."

Dougie and I exit the elevator and head to Bella's room. We stop outside the door, and I motion for Dougie to wait here. I knock on Bella's door, three quick raps of my knuckles, and hear three quick claps from within. A small smile touches my lips as I open the door. Bella is sitting up in her bed, a thick book spread across her lap. Her hair is tied away from her face in a messy bun, and she looks alive today. As I get closer to her, I notice that she's only got an IV in today, no antibiotics or blood. 

"Kylie," she says, closing the book and standing up. 

"Wow, you got up for me. Special," I tease her as she hugs me. She smells like a hospital but also some sort of lotion. 

"I'd always get up for you, Ky." 

"Thanks, Bell. How's it going?" 

"Good, actually. Today's a good day." 

I smile, a real, genuine smile. "I'm glad. Can I introduce you to someone?" 

Bella arches an eyebrow at me. "Who might this someone be?" 

I smirk instead of answering her and call out: "Come on in." 

Dougie steps into the room, the light reflecting off his red hair. Bella's right hand flies to her mouth as her eyes widen, and she looks at him, then back at me. 

"Bella, this is Dougie Hamilton. Dougie, this is my sister, Bella." 

Dougie holds out his hand. "It's very nice to meet you, Bella. I've heard so much about you from Kylie." 

Bella shakes his hand, but before she can take her hand away, Dougie brushes his lips against her fingers in a gesture I didn't know he was capable of. 

Bella's pale cheeks flush a light pink and she takes a deep breath. "It's good to see chivalry isn't dead." 

"It's an honor to meet you, Bella. Kylie's spoken very highly of you." 

Bella gives me a sideways glance before she speaks.  "The honor is mine. Kylie's also told me much about you." 

I roll my eyes at their formal phrases. It's meeting my sister, not going to a cotillion.  "Can we have a discussion that doesn't involve formal phrases, please?" I ask, exasperated. 

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