Chapter 19 We aren't people

Comenzar desde el principio

Please, I gotta get something to smoke, something to drink. I need to get out of his arms so I can at least smoke a cigarette, that should help. It helps a bit. I have to go outside.

They spiraled and spiraled until they eventually fell asleep out of tiredness.
The smaller only waking up up hours later, the bear being the one to wake him, it was time to go to venue and start preparing things. With out many time to spare, the gator just grabbed the clothes he was gonna wear and their instrument and headed out. Once they were in the dressing room, they quickly got dressed, the singer noticing the scars on the other's uper leg, not saying a word about it, has he himself was covering his scars with bracelets and sometimes even with concealer. Once they were all show ready they all went to perform.

Tonight they didn't went for drinks afterwards, isntead heading for the bus so they could drive,the next show was going to be in another country after all. That didn't stop the girls staying awake with them, trying to have a band moment, has they drove in silence.

Monty: You ever stop feeling like people?- they asked, his eyes glued on the road.

Chica: All the time... Once you've been on the road has much has I have, being seen has people starts to be a surprise.... It's not like we don't want to be people, it's our fans.- she said then asking for the keytarist to hand her the guitar.

Monty: Can't we talk about it? With our fans?

Roxy: Try it. It never works. They have us on a pedestal, we can't be anything other then perfect and flawless.- she said handing her girlfriend the guitar.

Freddy:I actually wanted to write something about it. Express how hard it is to feel like an alien in your world, not being able to exist like other's.

Chica: Nothing is stopping us from doing that right now.- she pointed out, plugging her guitar onto the amplifier- Let me try doing some rifts, then you tell me what you think.- she stated before starting to mess with the cords and different modes in the amplifier.

Roxy: Wait that last one sounds great do that again.- she almost demanded, grabbing her keytar plugin it in and starting to jam with it has well.

Monty: Let me join you guys.- they asked has he pulled over the bus.

Chica: Are we in Spain already?

Monty: Yup.

Chica: Alright then we can vibe a bit.- the gator sat next to Roxy, begining to play with them has they all sorta improvised, Freddy quickly went to where they all were, recording what the others were playing before starting to write down some possible lyrics. By 2 am they had a song fully written, training it with vocals has well.

Monty: Holy shit, this is good.

Chica: See, I told you, writing a song isn't that bad! Specially when it's all of us together!

Monty: Yeah, I guess you're right.

Roxy: We should celebrate!

Freddy: Well, for what I've seen we aren't that far from a lake and it's actually a good weather. How about we go for a swim?

Chica: Hell yeah! I would kill for that.

Roxy: Has long had I don't get my hair wet I'm alright with that.

Monty: Oh fuck yeah! Let's go!- they all quickly got into their swimsuits, grabbed a towel and went to the lake nearby.

The moon lighted up all of the lake, on that rather big lake there was a pier, once Monty saw it they ran to it.

Monty: C'mon let's jump into the water!!

Freddy: Let's just check if it's deep enough.- he replied entering the water then swimming till the end of the pier.

Monty: So the verdict?- they asked from said pier.

Freddy: Yeah you can jump.- he replied getting back onto the pier.

Monty: Fuck yeah!!- they said before jumping in.

Chica: Wait I want to jump too!!- she said doing the same has the alligator.

Freddy: Hey, Roxy do you want a hug?!- she quickly got up and moved away.

Roxy: Fuck no! You know how I don't like water!- the bassist took advantage on how she was distracted to get back on the pier.

Chica: C'mon Roxy, come in it's great.- she continued to distract the wolf, noticing what Monty was planning.

Roxy: No way. I'm not doing that!- then suddenly, the gator grabbed her from behind, gripping her tightly- FUCK, MONTY, YOU'RE COLD HAS FUCK!

Monty: I advise you to take a deep breath.- they said chuckling.

Roxy: THE FUCK IS THAT SUPPOSED TO MEAN?!- she asked, has the gator jumped in the water with her.

Monty: See it wasn't that bad!

Roxy: You'll regret this.- the bassist chuckled.

Freddy: Canon ball!!- he said before going in the water.

They all spent around half an hour just swimming and bonding has a band, before going back into the bus and falling asleep.

I hope you enjoyed the chapter if so please comment your thoughts and vote.
Much love!


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