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A/N I took 1 selfue for this ok thats what I wear most of this unless im going to bed and im like 15 in this and the others are 16 or 15 it'll say their age

I was sitting in my room watching netflix until I heard a knock on the house door. I sat up and paused tokyo goul. I walked to the door and opened it seeing a boy with grey skin and lightning like horns."hello how may I help you kind troll or should I say the highblood eridan ampora?" I asked simply not fangirling.(yas I ship myself with eridan dont bother me about it)."wwell wait you knoww wwho I am?" He said. I nodded in response. "Any way come in my mom isn't home and Nether is muy young bro" I say as I sit on the couch. He walked in and closed the door behind him and sat by me." So wwhats-" " Adelynn but call me ade or coolkid" I answered without him finishing his sentence. 'I think he likes me' I thought to myself. "so wwhat wwere you wwatching?" "Tokyo goul" I reply.
And I'll finish after dinner

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⏰ Última atualização: Apr 06, 2015 ⏰

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