After Hours

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A/N: Hello!! So- releasing this before any Thasmin content, I've seen Jim Carrey's Edward Nygma and OH MY GOD have I wanted to write this. A general theme is that you're a tall, (most likely) femme co-worker of his, would've been talking with him for a while by the point this is set. That's about all that needs to be known, no backstory of the DC universe and whatnot, enjoy!!

Update: I am, as of 3:00pm 9/2/22, watching Batman forever, oh god it is abysmal but I love it.


The time in Gotham City was edging near 8:30pm. You'd finished your shift at work long ago, but you'd decided to stick around to see a very special person you worked with. You'd been exchanging flirty comments with him for a few months now, and you felt it was about time to enforce the romance that'd been budding from breaktime conversations and the occasional kiss in the corridors of your offices.

You were waiting in the laboratory's elevator for a little while, ensuring your clothes were as neat as they could be, adjusting your done-up hair. You wanted to look good for your love interest - you aimed to please him, separate him from his manic work life. He always looked so overworked, so in need of some relief, you wanted to give that to him. After hearing the chime of the bell that rang upon arriving at the floor you needed to be on, you rejigged your bag, stepping out of the elevator as quickly as you could, walking through what felt like a mile of desks and workbenches until you came to his. Your workplace sweetheart, being Edward Nygma, not only the smartest, most interesting person you knew, but perhaps also the most oblivious to your advances, was bent down over his desk, tweaking a few wires in a gadget that he'd created. You never had a clue what he worked on, but you couldn't help but admire his dedication toward these unorthodox contraptions. Another thing you couldn't help but admire was how he looked bent over. Your mind was transported to a much less clean place, images of him exposed and at your mercy flooding in. While what you had with him was fairly newly-conceived, you couldn't help but think of the possibilities of how he'd act sexually. To you, he didn't seem the type to be able to take charge, and frankly, you weren't the type to let others take charge of you. Who knows, maybe it'd be fun seeing him attempt dominance. No, you needed to focus in on the present - though it was quite hard when his back was ever-so-slightly arched and inquisitive, soft noises escaping him complimented his almost-explicit look. It took him a moment to stand back up, taking even longer to notice you, turning around with a slight jump and toothy smile when he did. He wasn't the most observant man you'd ever met. He quite quickly opened his arms up for a hug, an air close to awkwardness about him, and you immediately closed in on him, wrapping your arms around the shorter man. You gave a quiet laugh before speaking softly, Ed seeming delighted at your presence.

'Good evening, you...! You look busy,, how long have you been here?'

He looked somewhat flushed as he looked you over while you spoke, putting his hands in his pockets to stop himself from moving around. He'd always loved the way you spoke, adoring your stern tone that elegantly complimented his clumsier one.

"G-good evening to you,, you too,,!! I've- uh, been busy, you could say, yeah... just- the usual, I s'pose. How- how're you? oh, my,,"

He seemed to get distracted by you as he spoke, which was quite usual for him; it wasn't often that he wasn't enchanted by your dominating aura. You gave him your usual hum as if to say you were okay, as well as a twirl of your finger, signalling to him that you wanted to see what he was working on. He was quite attractive when hard at work, especially when bent over his desk.

"O-okay!! Good to- hear you're good,, so- here's- a little something I'm working on,, if you've ever... and, theres..."

Soon enough the distinct words that he was telling you fizzled out, and as much as you loved listening to him explain his absurd creations to you, you rather preferred something else at the time; something just a little more risqué. He was bent down once again, still rambling about something along the topic of electricity. Before too long, you decided to strike his ass, leaving your hand there, slightly squeezing. He jolted, letting out a seemingly approving gasp, not looking back at you yet. He was quite shocked that you'd made that move - he didn't think you the kind to make such bold moves in the workplace of all locations, even if no one was there. What you felt with said hand was quite magical to you. The tightness of his pale brown trousers felt nice to the touch, and while he was quite bony, you could feel some padding over that area. They way he shuddered at the strike stoked the fire that'd been lit inside you, one you wanted to ignite with him.

After hours - Edward Nygma x Reader ficWhere stories live. Discover now