A kiss for Icarus.

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Caspain dumped himself into the chair opposite me, slamming his books carelessly on the desk. He was making a face I didn't have the energy to interpret. 

"Good morning." I greeted, honey coating every letter. "How are you today?"

His eyes narrowed to slits. "Do you care?"

"Not really, no." 

"Youre a shite friend."

I hummed, "How's about you tell me something new." I grinned.

"You've been ignoring me."

I thumbed through my text book. "Have I?"

"Yes, even Robin's noticed." His face was turning red. "I had to ask Hanny about you, do you-"

"Wait, Hanny?" I asked, closing my book. "You've met him?"

Caspain rolled his eyes. "Of course that's what you chose to hear." He muttered, then sighed, leaning back in his seat. "Yes, I was looking for you and I had to go to your room."

"Oh." I rolled my eyes. "I wasn't hiding from you, you oaf. I was at the stream."  

"I thought you'd agreed to stop going there."

"Mmm, I don't remember that." 

"Yes you do. We'd agreed that after what happened last time, you'd stop."

"When the bloody hell did I ever agree to that?"

Caspain's face turned purple, or green, I think both actually. "You're seriously pretending we didn't have a discussion about it?"

"It's not pretending if I don't remember."

"Jesus christ, I swear Raven you're-"

"Are you two always like this?" Caspain paused mid sentence. We looked at the owner of the voice. Caspain blinked. Hanniel looked amused.

I huffed. "You've caught us at our best, actually." I grinned at my best friend, he looked just about ready to bite my head off. wanker.

"Mind if I join you?" Hanniel asked, looking at both of us. I shuffled in my seat, cas and I shared a look and he shrugged.

"No, we dont mind." He grinned, pulling out the chair next to Caspain. The school hall was relatively quiet, very few people chose this place to study, so ideally, it was my favorite place to read in peace.

"I was supposed to meet my brother, Kalypso but..." He he shrugged. Hanniel was dressed neatly, as opposed to his brother's normal scruffy look, his hair was gelled back away from his face, leaving his freckles on display. "Have you two gotten ahead of the school work?" He asked once he'd settled down. 

Both cas and I nodded. I was as head as I could get, and cas and I weren't in the same class, but I was sure he  had known every topic in his subjects even before the school term bgan.

Hanniel's shoulders sagged. "That's good, for you, I mean. I'm completely hopeless in my work." I pursed my lips, shifted a piece of paper back and forth on the desk.

I looked at Cas. "Caspain can help you." I said, and if looks could kill, the one that my best friend sent to me the moment my words registered through his head, might have been enough to slice my neck. I grinned sweetly. "Right , Cas?"

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