Get out of my head

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You stumbled backwards, the blue lightsaber hurtling towards you just narrowly missing your face by an inch. Twirling your very own purple lightsaber, you did your best to skilfully counter the forceful swing heading right for your torso. The two beams clashed together in a glorious spark, the harmonious hum echoing throughout the training room. You struggled to push back against his lightsaber, his blue eyes holding your gaze as if challenging you.

You groaned as the beams of light neared your face, your arms aching from the strain. 'I thought you were gonna go easy on me' you grunted, eliciting a chuckle from the Jedi in front of you. 'This is me going easy' he smirked in response, not a hint of strain or struggle to be found. Cocky little bastard. You rolled your eyes and drew energy from the force around you, pushing his lightsaber back with yours causing him to slightly stumble backwards.

Not a second later, the beams of light were flying again, Anakin slowly backing you up further and further towards the wall behind you. Just as you had ducked down to avoid yet another effortless swing, Anakin held his hand out and before you could blink your lightsaber flew out of your hand, clattering a few metres away on the floor. You whipped your head around from where you watched your trusty weapon fall, back to the devil in disguise before you.

'We said no force' you fumed, crossing your arms as you stared up at him angrily, face flushed from the intense workout that is any duel with your infuriating Jedi partner. 'So what was that back there?' he questioned, that unwavering grin still adorning his face, as if a sign were stuck to his face saying 'I'm better than you'. He better wipe that smug look of his face before you...

'Before I what?' he challenged, taking a step closer to where you were stood. You forget how tall he is sometimes. 'Get out of my head, Ani' you seethed, eyes narrowing and fists clenching. 'Why m'lady, do you want me inside somewhere else?'

You threw your hand out, slightly moving it to the side sending Anakin's own lightsaber flying, joining yours on the floor. He opened his mouth in faux shock. 'This is a training exercise advised so kindly by Master Obi-Wan, not a chance for you to flirt, Anakin' you seethed, voice dripping with sarcasm. He shrugged innocently, that sly grin unmoved. That just pissed you off even more. His chin was tilted ever so slightly downward, so the whites underneath his eyes were visible. Your heart was struggling to keep up with the way he was looking at you, beating at gods know how many miles an hour. He took a step closer watching you intently as you took a step back. You weren't scared, obviously, but something about him was so intimidating. Maybe the thought of how easily he could physically dominate you in a fight... or somewhere else... 'I thought you didn't want me in your bed' he spoke nonchalantly, as if this was a normal conversation. 'I said get out of my head' you almost shouted, starting to reach your hand out towards the direction of your lightsaber before Anakin closed the distance between you in an instant, grabbing your arm. The sudden act made you jump back, however the wall was there to stop you. The cool stone made you flinch, turning around for a second only to turn back to Anakin's face very much near yours. Your eyes widened.

Tilting your head up so you could actually look him in his gorgeous blue eyes, you furrowed your brow. 'Stop this, Anakin. Let go of me' you commanded, trying to stop the slight quiver in your voice, ignoring the way the gentle grip of his hand around your wrist set of just about every hormone in your body. 'If you say so, m'lady' he replied smoothly, releasing your arm to your disappointment. You both stood there for a moment, him gazing down at you, you gazing up at him.

'I hate you' you groaned, before you grabbed him by his robe and pulled his face down to yours. As you collided, he pressed you up against the wall, hands instinctively moving to surround your waist. His hands felt warm and secure, and you couldn't help let slip a small moan. Anakin pulled away for a moment, laughing as he said 'really y/n, kissing me with old Yoda next door. You better be more quiet than this when I fuck you'. He moved to trail kisses gently down your neck, sucking every so often leaving marks that were sure to remind you of your sins tomorrow. 'Who said you're gonna fuck me?' you fired back, running your hands through his golden brown hair, grip tightening when he suddenly ground his hips against you, drawing out yet another moan. He paused his assault of your neck for a moment to look down at you, giving you that knowing look. 'Shut up' you breathed, even more pissed off than before. Blood rushed to your face, staining your cheeks a gentle pink as Anakin replied, 'I didn't say anything'. 'Shut the fuck up' you commanded, his smirk seemingly growing wider at your pathetic attempt at telling him what to do. You pulled his face back up to yours, kissing him as he effortlessly slid his hands up your thighs, picking you up so your legs were wrapped securely around his muscular waist. You could feel just how hard he was under you, and you couldn't help but smirk against the kiss yourself.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03, 2022 ⏰

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