Mr stark 2.0

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——— Summary ———
Peter and the avengers grow close, hell he is an avenger even so (tony adopted him)... but one night, while watching they were all a movie (tonys out for a meeting) suddenly the elevator opened and peter and the others (clint, natasha and steve) thought he was tony, but was he?

Third person pov
"Dude lets watch a move I'm choosing!" Peter yells to clint while he is half dangling from the vents. "NoooOo not star-wars again! Come on kiddo, let me choose!" Clint replies with a sad almost pleading tone, "He- ck no! Last time you picked the bee movie, the BEE movie. You haunted me with that fricking jazz stuff" steve replied. "Steves right, let the kid choose for gods sake." Natasha said with a smirk on her face. "See? I'll choose something better than ya!" Peter responded with his tongue sticking out. Afterwards, all of them sat down on the couch watching Bambi when suddenly the elevator opened. Peter rushed to the doors without seeing who the person is and started rambling, "Oh mr.stark your finally here! Jeez how did the meeting with general ross g-" with that a loud thud was heard with peter suddenly on the floor with a bruise appearing on his forehead. "Who the fuck are you?" "Shouldn't we be asking you that, Howard stark?" Natasha suddenly growled in front of peter. "Tch, get OUT OF MY FACE WOMAN." "And why should I?" Natasha asked while glaring daggers into the mans eyes. " мама паук stop! I- its okay" and with that peter gets up to greet the man and says "Uh, U- um I'm Peter sir, mr.sta- tony adopted me and uh y-yea." "What?! Anthony adopted someone as pathetic as you?! Tch, you really need discipline don't you hm?" With that Howard started dragging peter and his backpack (or what he assumed to be his backpack) to the nearest room and locked the door. "МАЛЕНЬКИЙ ПАУК!" Natasha screamed as she tried to break down the door only resulting in bloodied knuckles. Steve and clint were too stunned to speak (the woman was too stunned to speak 😦) resulting in a awful silence before it being broken by heartbreaking cries from across the room causing everyone to wince.

Peter pov
Did he just drag me in here? Uhm what was he going to do to me, I'm scared.. where is dad? I understand why dad hated him.
"You. Do your homework, your nothing like Anthony, you just a burden a weight on their shoulder, I don't even know why he took you in ungrateful brat. He clearly scoffed at me which made me flinch a little, but were those words really true? Well they probably were, i didn't want to cry.... 'Sighs' I really am pathetic aren't i? "LISTEN to me." Oh god and now he is screa-

Third person pov
Strong hands grabbed the collar of his shirt and held him in the air, although peter could easily knock the man out and even kill him, he did not want to reveal his identity. "You fucking bitch, you don't even listen you damn charity" with that he threw peter across the room too the corners of his desk (ya know those pesky corners in those dressers or stuff which hurt wayy to much in the stomach? Ya thats what.) which hit peter right in his side abdomen causing immediate pain led by a blood-curling  scream. "Noticed distress and abrupt heart-rate. Contacting Mr.Stark." ... ... ... "Hey bambi why is karen callin' me?" "Anthony stark. Did you seriously adopt this pathetic excuse and not even bother to tell us who he was?" Tony winced at that voice, he knew for damn sure who he was and god knows what kind of horrid situation peter is going through, vaguely tony tried to push the thoughts out of his mind. "Howard. What. The. Hell. Are. You. Doing. Here?" Tony asked as Peter could very faintly hear the sound of his repulsers lighting up. "Line-break ——— trying to connect to karen ——— failed connection. Disconnecting" and with that tony was off, faster than before. Of course the connection would fail, Howard practically smashed the watch in his hand gripping it until his knuckles had turned white. "Hey LET US IN THERE OR I SWEAR TO FUCKING GOD IM GOING TO BREAK THROUGH THERE" Natasha screamed while Clint tried to find the room through the vents and Steve was searching for his shield. Howard looked at peter with pure... disgust? He kneeled down next to him and started punching him hard. Although peter could very obviously dodge all of those punches, he didn't as if he almost thought he deserved it. He was punching him for god knows how long and his face was filled with bloody bruises, broken nose plus several of his ribs were broken too, "Disgusting filthy disappointment. Tony seriously needs to discipline you mo-" then a burst of rockets appeared tearing down the door. "D-dad? I- I am so-" "Don't even fucking think about it kid" Tony was here, glaring at Howard. "What in gods green earth are you doing here, Howard fucking stark." "What am I doing here?! What are you doing? Raising a failure as your own damned son? Anthony what the hell are you thinking raising that dumb piece of shit." Tony looked furious, enough to even scare a lion's family. "Motherfucker, what are you doing here? Harassing my child, don't forget you don't own stark industries anymore. I can kick your sorry ass out in the pouring rain." "You know what I mean anthon-" "FRIDAY, call security to take out a inhumane creature, I want it out in 5 minutes." Then security comes and drags Howard out and throws him outside. "Oh bambino are you okay? I-" he was cut off by peter hugging him and crying against his chest "I'm sorry dad! Im sorry, I- I'm such a burden and pathetic I'm sorry I-" "Peter." Tony said sternly "stop it kid, you know well yourself that your not. Your one of the greatest if not the greatest kid i have ever met. You are my hero, peter." Peter seamed to be calmer at those words so he just layed on Tony's for a couple more minutes before tony carried him to the medbay.
——— Timeskip (after going to the medbay to get bandaged-up) ———
"" Tony looked over at peter sluggishly waking up before saying "Ah kiddo good to have ya presence after that jury duty of a damned meeting" Peter let out a few giggles at that and Tony snorted. "Anyways, still up for movie night pete?"
"Of course dad!"

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