Chapter 24: I fell forward and ate carpet, literally.

Start from the beginning

"Do we have a plan?" I asked sitting down on Henrys lap.

"We storm the castle," Luke said chugging down his whiskey. We finally convinced him not to drink out of the bottle.

"Ok but I have one condition," I said holding one finger up. I heard Henry groan behind me. I could feel his eyes rolling. Ignoring him I continued, "We dress up as superheroes." Once I saw all the strange looks I added, "It's kind of an annual thing."

"I call Spiderman!" Luke yelled standing up but falling right back down. His whiskey spilling everywhere.

"I'm Superman," Henry's deep voice called behind me.

"I'm Aqua man!" another voice called out.

"No I am," another yelled. Then a fight broke out between a few different guys.

Lexi's POV

I groaned rubbing the back of my neck with my handcuffed hands. I've been drugged at least five times. With what? I have no idea. My groggy eyes looked around the room trying to find something familiar. The corner opposite of mine I saw large dark nonmoving figure.

The heavy metal door was pushed open and light shinned in. I flinched away from the light closing my eyes. My attempt was too late because my eyes where burning. I heard a deep males laugh at my displeasure. Slowly peeking my eyes out a saw a tall dark bulky figure.

"Awww, did the light hurt you? Poor baby," he said. I glared at his figure not saying a word. I'm not going to give this little fucker the pleasure of hearing my voice. He stalked towards to me.

"Answer me bitch!" He yelled letting his gloved covered hand slapping me making my head snap. What kind of man slaps? I spat out dirt that got into my mouth. I let the stinging go down before I stuck up my middle finger.

"You're an idiot for not talking. Remember I don't need you, I need your boyfriend." With one last good kick in my side he stalked out of the room. I glared at his retreating figure. I'm going to kill that fucker. A groan came from the figure across the room from me. I shot to my feet. Instantly I felt dizzy and dropped back down. My body plunged onto the concrete flooring with a thud. I blinked my eyes a few times trying to make the pain go away.

The figure was too big to be Julia. It was Luke, Justin, or Henry. Whoever else got hauled to this horrible place. I'm positive it's not Jason, I'm sure they left him there to bleed out and die. I blinked my eyes trying to hold back the tears. The man groaned again.

"Justin?" I asked. My throat was raw and felt like sand paper.

"Le-le-lexi?" Justin grumbled.

"Ya," I said nodding my head vigorously.

"Where are we?" he asked. I could hear the fear tremble in his voice.

"I-I don't-t know," I told him. Truth is I really had no idea what the fuck was going on. But what I didn't know was I wanted an answer to one question that's been on my mind since the first day I met the boys.

"Why did you kidnap us?" I asked Justin.

"I don't know the whole story but I can tell you what I know. Boss said you girls had a connection to Rose Wood Race Track which he owns." My eyes widen when I heard the name.


"This is going to be freakin' amazing!" Ta shouted as she pounded on my dash board.

"Hey! Stop that," I yelled taking my eyes off the road to look at her. She stuck out her tong. I rolled my eyes but grinned at her. My charger roared as we sped down the street to Rose Wood Race Track. Finally after a year of hard work and a lot of money my car was ready.

Ta and I finally pulled into Rose Wood. Both of us where wearing out biggest grins. We were finally ready to put the car to our mouths. Getting out of the car we saw Julia and her boyfriend. Quickly we made our way over to them.

"So you're finally racing Lexi?" Tommy, Julia's boyfriend teased me.

"Damn right I am," I told him winking, "And I'll beat everyone here." Tommy rolled his eyes at my cockiness.

"I dare you to race Greg." Knowing I never turned down a dare he had caught me. Greg was supposedly dangerous but I didn't listen to rumors. Little did I know I should have listened because this one race would change my life forever. Sounds kind of ironic now conceding the situation I'm in now. Greg had never lost a race before. Greg and I did not get along at all.

"I accept the dare."

"I'll set up the race then," he told me winking. When he finally left my eyes widen in realization. I am royally screwed.

"Are you fucking crazy?" Julia shouted as she grabbed my shoulders and shook me back a forth. I rolled my eyes at her.

"Maybe a little," I told her.

"He'll eat you like my dog eats bacon! He doesn't even taste it!" She shouted. I raised my eye brows at her.

"Did you just compare me to a dog?" Greg asked behind us. We spun around to face him. My eyes narrowed at him.

"Have you come over to tell me you're too afraid to race me? Do I have you shaking in your boots?" I asked him sassily pushing one hip out. He gave me smirk that told me I was going to eat those last words.

"If I where you I would run now." With that he and his stupid posse walked away.

"You're fucked," Ta said.

"I know."


The light turned green and we both accelerated and shifted. I could feel the horse power of my beast as we passed him. The vibration on my steering wheel was making my heart beat even faster. The line was getting closer and closer. I could feel him on the side of me. I wanted him behind me.

Pushing more I shifted again trying to lose him. The line was almost there. My hands clung onto the wheel even harder trying to keep it straight. We both crossed the line at what looked like the same time to me. Slowing down I didn't notice the head lights of a car coming from the side.


I felt airborne before I felt the impact. I screamed and put my hands on the roof trying to save myself. I could hear the yells and sirens but that slowly faded away.

**End of Flashback**

"I raced a guy named Greg and I won and we crashed," I told him sighing.

"Greg Kims?" He asked sitting up straight. I gave him a sharp nod. "That's the boss's son."

I'm fucked like a hot hoe on the corner side.

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