"I swear to God Benjamin Warren." Miranda hissed as she wiped her tears. " You must be crazy, you’re telling me that you thought I was dead, you fell in love with someone else and you are taking me back to the home you have with her. Have you lost your dam mind?"

Miranda then started feeling hot and faint. " Oh God I'm going to die for real this time." Miranda cried as she put her hands on her head.

Ben sighed feeling horrible as he pulled into the drive way and he walked around and helped her out of the car. Miranda stared at the outside of the house and she clicked her teeth, she still was in shock.

Ben unlocked the door and lead her inside. " Hey baby, you’re home." Simone greeted.

" Hey Simone. This is Miranda." Ben introduced.

" Hi Miranda. It is very nice to meet one of Ben's best friends." Simone said extending her hand.

" I can't say the same." Miranda responded starring down at her pregnant belly.

Simone's eyes got wide at Miranda’s rudeness and Ben mouthed sorry.
"Uh why don't I show you to your room.” Ben suggested walking Miranda to one of their guest rooms, which was on the opposite end of the house, pass the other bedrooms.

" Here you are." Ben breathed and Miranda came in and sat down on the bed. Her eyes were full of tears. She was struggling to hold them back. “There is plenty of towels and wash rags in this closet. It's a tooth brush and tooth paste in the bathroom along with Dove soap. I will bring you one of my t- shirts and a pair of shorts to wear and tomorrow we can go get you some clothes and other things.” Ben stammered.

Miranda was silent ignoring him and she turned her back to him. Ben stared for a couple of minutes before he left out and Miranda got up to turn on the shower water. She was extremely overwhelmed, angry, confused and sad. She washed her hair and her body. Trying to make sure her body was supper clean. Her skin felt super dry, so she knew that, they didn't put lotion on her as much as she normally would have.

After she was finished in the shower, she grabbed her towel and wrapped it around her body. She looked in the mirror and decided to let her hair air dry. Miranda saw that Ben left his shirt and shorts on the bed. She grabbed the shirt and put it on before getting into bed. Strangely enough she was exhausted.

Miranda woke up at 12 o'clock at night and she was starving. She should have answered the knocks for Ben when he asked her to eat. Miranda got out of the bed and opened the door. She looked around and the house was quiet. Miranda stepped into the hall way and walked down stairs to the kitchen. She looked inside the fridge and pulled out the dinner that they had prepared.

She quietly warmed up the food and she sat at the counter and ate. After she finished her food, she grabbed her a glass and found some wine and poured her self some.

Ben couldn't sleep at all he was tossing and turning. He wasn't going to say it out loud but he really wanted to be down the hall wrapped up in Miranda's arm. He missed that woman for over 5 years and now she was here and still so far.

"Babe why are you still up?" Simone asked groggy.

" I just can't sleep. I'm going to go get some water and I ‘ma watch a little TV and then I'll be back." Ben said sitting up and throwing the covers back.

" You want me to come with you?”

" No, it's okay. I just need to tire myself out. " Ben said as he walked to the door.

Ben walked down to the kitchen and heard a noise by the counter. Ben flicked on the lights and it startled Miranda, causing her to spill her wine on her chin and down the front of her shirt. " Shit Ben my wine." Miranda said setting the glass down.

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