Y3 ~ magical

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"You're choking the pilot!"

Moment - Vierre CloudWordcount - 2556

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Moment - Vierre Cloud
Wordcount - 2556


Y/n and Hermione met up with Ron and Harry on their way to Magical Creatures class. It was warm outside and the sun lit up Hagrid's hut where he stood in between a mixture of Gryffindors and Slytherins. It had rained yesterday so the air was clear and fresh.

Hagrid stood there with Fangs at his feet in his moleskin overcoat, looking extremely impatient to start. Malfoy stood further away, talking animatedly to Crabbe and Goyle who were chortling. Y/n could think about a few things they might be talking about.

"Come closer!" He spoke loudly. "Got a real treat for yeh today." He announced.

"And what would that be?" Malfoy's drawling voice asked through the crowd.

"Shut up, Malfoy." Harry snapped, clearly annoyed by Malfoy's comments.

"Silence please!" Hagrid said. "And follo' me!"

The class followed Hagrid through the edge of the forest, Y/n almost stumbled over a root, but luckily Harry caught her arm in time for her to steady herself.

"Thanks." She mumbled and grimaced at Harry's grinning and clearly amused  face.

The class followed Hagrid to a sunny glade, it was a paddock.
It was quite beautiful and Y/n took a deep breath, taking in the fresh air smelling of wood and leaves.

"Gather roun' the fence here!" Hagrid said. "That's it, now I want yeh to open yehr books."

"How exactly are we supposed to do that?" The cold voice of Draco Malfoy spat.

Hagrid looked shook. "Hasn'- hasn'- anyone been able to open' yehr books yet?" He asked with wide eyes.

Y/n sighed and looked at her book which was bound together with a summoning charm Hermione had helped her with.

Hagrid grabbed Hermione's book. "Yeh'll have to stroke 'em of course." He said. Hagrid ripped off the summoning charm of Hermione's book which immediately tried to bite him, but Hagrid stroke a big finger down the spine of the book, making it shiver.

"There yeh go." Hagrid said and handed the book back to Hermione.

"Oh we were supposed to stroke them?"  Malfoy spat. "How charming."

"Er- I thought they were funny.." Hagrid said uncertainly, casting a glance at Y/n who gave him a reassuring smile.

"Tremulously funny," Malfoy spoke disgustingly. "Really witty."

"Oh shut that beak of yours, Malfoy." Y/n snapped.

She felt bad for Hagrid, it was his first teaching lesson and of course Malfoy had to ruin it. If she just could kick that-

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