Langas house (part 1)

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Reki's POV:

It's Saturday night, me and langa are walking to his house after a long day of skating and hanging out around town. We decided that we would crash at his house for the night because he came to my house last week and his house is a lot more chill than mine.

At his house It's just langa and his mom so it's mostly calm and quite. my house is no different than an amusement park with the running, screaming and crying of small children that constantly roam around the house and get into everything you leave unsupervised. Seriously i treasure the lock on my bedroom door every moment of the day.

"Where almost here!"
Langa says enthusiastically with a small smile plastered on his face.

We keep walking as he continues to tell me about a homework assignment he had been working on the night before.

As he talks I start to space out and stare into his breathtaking eyes like the ocean. I always knew langa was attractive but I never realized how beautiful he really was. His soft hands, his bright blue hair, even the way he talks is beautiful.

Ive always known I like langa, but I know it would never turn in to anything so I pushed those thoughts and feelings away.

Still staring at him, my eyes wonder down to his soft lips, I would kill to kiss him, just once. But I know for sure he only sees me as a friend so I brush thoughts, feelings and urges away as I always do.

"Reki? Are you listening" langa asked.


He caught me staring didn't he?

Hey I hope you enjoyed the first chapter!!! I'm probably going to post a few random times in the week because I'm kinda busy with school and stuff.

~my blueberry boy~             (Reki x langa) Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum