"H-huh?? Who's there?" The man said

I squeak and go back to Camilo's room.

I walk back into Camilo's room and he's sitting on the bed.

"Now tell me Hermosa/o, what are your interest." Camilo says.

I go to join him on my side of the bed. "Hmm, well my favorite food is (name f/f), I really like to read, uhm..."

I'm looking around trying not to make eye contact, and I look up seeing the two things I listed appear on the ceiling. I look back at Camilo, who's resting his head on his palm, smiling lightly while watching me talk.

"OH!" I exclaim.

My exclamation makes him  jump out of his daze.

"I can play guitar and sing! My mother taught me." I say with a soft smile


"Yea, she would teach me after she would check up on the townsfolk. She was an excellent singer, and played guitar amazingly"

"She sounds like an amazing woman"

"She is...or was...heh." I say, with a sad look in my eyes and a face like: :/

(A/N: Listen, about the part above this,^ I DON'T KNOW WHAT I MEANT!! I was writing this half asleep and wasn't really paying attention. But How I saw it, I saw it as Y/N is a little sad thinking about their mom. IT'S UP TO YOU TO FIGURE OUT HOW YOU SEE THIS. I DON'T KNOW WHAT I MEANT, I'M JUST GIVING PEOPLE WHAT THEY WANT. AND WHAT THEY WANT IS THIS FF.  Sorry for that little outburst, I just feel bad cause I confused people and I'm trying to explain in the best way possible. Now, lets just move on with the story)

"Oh I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to make you upset..." Camilo apologizes. Why was he apologizing? He had no reason too. (Kinnie moment 😍🤞🏻...sorry, lets continue)

"But I bet she was an amazing woman, pretty one too. I mean, you're here Hermosa/o" He says, trying to cheer me up.

I laugh at the little gestures he's doing.

"Maybe later you can show me a photo, y'know, so I could cheer you up."

"I'll be fine. Please don't worry about me." I say. 'Last thing I need is for him to worry about me'

"I'm getting tired. I'm gonna head to bed. Goodnight Camilo :)"

"Goodnight Y/N."

~Camilo's POV~

They're going off to bed. Crap did I make them upset?? I didn't mean too. They don't want me to worry but I am going to worry. They don't seem, up to full potential? No, not feeling the emotions they should be feeling. Yea that's right.

I look at them, and think for a bit. Why do they act the way they do? Have they always been like this? Has the mothers passing taken a toll on them? So many questions. I'll ask them at a later date, when they're more comfortable with me.

"I feel you staring. Go to bed." Y/N says with a laugh.

"O-OH! My bad. Sorry"

"You're good, now goodnight"


I go to lay down. My brain feels like a hamster running in its wheel. They like books. I never pegged them as the type to like books.

Whatever, I'm gonna sleep now...

*sudden noise*

"H-Huh? Who's there?" I say, taken back by the noise

I wait for a few minutes, I guess it was nothing..?

Anyways, goodnight


WOAH HEY! ITS BEEN A DAY, literally. If you didn't see my announcement last night, then I shall tell you. With school coming up back again I'm gonna change the posting schedule. Nothing special, just posting every other day or every two days. I'm choosing this cause sometimes I'm stumped with ideas when writing and I will also have a lot of homework, and I mean a lot. yay for higher up classes amirite 😄🖕🏻. Anyways, yea. And I have a lot of reading for my book in English that I have not started reading and have to be on page 150 by the time we get back. So yea. If I don't post after like 2 days I'll mention something about it in my convos so consider following so you won't be confused on why I'm not posting as often :). It's also almost 7 in the morning for me and I've been up since 3.


Word Count: 1304 (Jeez)

How I feel: So tired. But still happy that me and my crush are still talking ^^ (Long story lmao)

Hotel: Trivago

**FINISHED** Another Encanto? (Camilo X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now