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Osamu and Atsumu were sitting at their family's dinner table, eating a lunch their mother prepared who was now washing some dishes. Osamu had finished up his food, being a quick eater, and went into the kitchen to put his dishes in the sink.

After placing his dishes in the sink, he noticed a small stack of similar-looking bento boxes stacked on each other. His mother noticed him looking at the boxes. "Are these all clean?" He asked to which she hummed. "Mhm, speaking of which, is there any way you can return them to Y/n?"

When Osamu first told his mother that someone would be making lunch for him every now and then, of course, she asked about who the cook was and that is how she found out about Y/n.

"Well yeah there is I guess, she just lives down the street so I could go drop them off if she lets me." "That would be great, why don't you ask her."

Osamu took his phone out of his hoodie pocket to message Y/n.



hey y/n

Is it okay if i come to your

apartment and drop off the

bento boxes you used before?



my apt number is

XXX located on

the 4th floor


k ill drop by later



Osamu couldn't help but notice that the girl seemed a bit drier than usual. He shrugged it off and placed his phone back while running upstairs to change into some new clothes since he was going out.


He started the walk to Y/n's apartment building, which wasn't that far. Eventually, he arrived at the entrance of the building. He walked in and headed for the elevator to take him to the fourth floor.

Once he got up to the fourth floor, he started looking for apartment number XXX. "Oh, here it is." He knocked on the door. A couple of seconds later, the (h/c)'d girl opens the door, hair slightly messy, a piece of toast in my hands. "Hey Osamu, you can come in and place the containers on the counter."

She opened the door so he could take his shoes off and enter. "Sorry if the place is messy, haven't had time to clean." He placed down the containers on the countertop and turned around to face the girl, leaning on the countertop, staring at her as she sat at her two-person table, eating a basic breakfast.

Y/n felt his stare, which she didn't like since she was eating and she hated when people watched her eat. "What?" She looked at him. "Nothing, just thought you would have made yourself a breakfast that's more high class, being a culinary student and all."

Her face grew annoyed. "Look, it's like 12 pm on who knows what day of the week at this point. I'm tired and just woke up half an hour ago, I'm NOT taking time to make some extravagant breakfast. And besides, I hate cooking "rich people" food." He raised a brow at her. "What? You don't like cooking fancy food? But aren't you a student at a school made to teach people how to cook meals like that?"

She hesitated to answer. "I mean, yeah I do, but that doesn't mean I enjoy it. All the people there have such high expectations and want you to be creating all these original masterpieces when in reality, I just wanna cook traditional meals." She placed down her fork as she explained. "So is that why you put so much effort into those bento's you make me?" She snapped her head towards him.

"You can tell I actually put some effort in those?" He thought about it for a second. "I mean, yeah. The bentos you make kinda show your effort most of the time. Is that why you wanted me to be your taste tester?"

"Woah back up, I didn't want you specifically to be my taste tester, I just asked since we had a mutual connection and I was told you really liked eating. Plus I was in a rush to find a new one after my previous one quit.." She mumbled the last part just barely enough for him to hear. "Your last one quit?"

She sighed. "Many of my previous testers quit. They all just didn't like the fact that I cooked food that they saw as basic and boring. All of them didn't work well with me which led to either them quitting or me firing them but the latter doesn't happen too often."

"That's why I wanted someone like you. Someone whose standards for my food weren't higher than the Eiffel tower, just someone who would eat my food no matter what I make and hopefully enjoy it. But sometimes it's hard to cook what I want while trying to please people like my grandfather."

At first, Osamu didn't say anything, which made Y/n overthink what she had said. "Oh shoot sorry, went on rambling about myself-" "Then just cook to please yourself." She tilted her head. "What I mean is just focus on cooking meals you know that you will be proud and happy about, and just stop trying to please others since at the end of the day, you're the cook and it's your food."

Her eyes widened at what he had said, and it was the first time someone had told her something like that. She gave him a wide smile. "Yeah.. I think I'll try that." Little did she know at that moment, since the sunlight was shining directly on her smiling face, that she got the gray-haired boy slightly blushing at how beautiful she looked.

"Okay good, now I'm gonna leave, I've got errands to run." He started heading towards the door, trying to hide his face from Y/n as much as he could. "Ooh okay, sounds good, thanks for giving the containers back!" "Yeah, no problem."

As he put his shoes back on, he remembered something. "Wait Y/n, could I get your phone number." She got up and walked to him. "Why? Can we not just talk on Insta like we usually do?" She asked. "Oh we can, but Atsumu wanted to talk with you but he hates using social media to chat because of how many DMs he gets from fangirls."

She made an O shape with her mouth to show she understood. "Oh then yeah, here lemme write it down for you." She walked somewhere to get a small sticky note and scribbled her number down. "Here." She handed him the note.



As he walked back home, he got his phone out to text her.





A/N: Woah, it's been awhile and I wanna apologize for that by giving you this chapter. I hopefully wanna finish this book by at least June/July but knowing my updating schedule for it, that won't probably happen. Other then that, thanks for reading and I promise you won't wait too long for the next chapter! (i hope at least) I also recommend checking out some of my other books, specifically my Eren Jaeger one as i update it almost weekly as of now and it's one of my favs.

have a great day and take care of yourself!



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⏰ Last updated: Jul 17, 2023 ⏰

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