" I have something for you." Richard said as he pulled a box out of his pocket.

" Aww what is it?”
Miranda took the box and opened it.

" Webber. It's beautiful." Miranda gasped as she looked at the charm bracelet. It had a stethoscope, heartbeat symbol, doctor bag, and a letter M. Miranda slid it on and pulled him in for a hug " I love it. Thank you so much." Miranda said blinking back the tears.

" No problem and I will see you out there." Richard said as he walked to the door.

" Hey baby girl. It's time." William said as he opened the door.

" Okay daddy I'm ready." Miranda said as she walked over to him and linked his arm.

Miranda felt her heart race as the doors opened. She felt everyone starring. Miranda started and looked around the room at the decorations. She gasped looking at the decorations. A winter wonder land. Yeah she had seen it before the wedding but, it was even more beautiful filled with people and the lights turned on.

Miranda looked over at Ben at the end of the aisle and the veil couldn't hide the smile she had on her face. As the music played she walked with her dad. " It's not too late to back out." William whispered.

" Nah daddy. This is the one. I'm very very very sure." Miranda laughed.

As the wedding started, Miranda and Ben whispered and laughed together.
"Now it is time for the exchanging of the vowels and the rings." The preacher said.

"I Benjamin Warren take you, Miranda Bailey to be my friend, my lover, the mother of my children, and my wife. I will be yours in times of plenty and in times of want, in times of sickness, and in times of health, in times of joy and in times of sorrow, in times of failure and in times of triumph. I promise to cherish and respect you, to care and to protect you. To comfort and encourage you and to stay with you for all eternity. " Ben said trying to blink back his tears as he slid her band onto her finger.

" I Miranda Bailey take you, Benjamin Warren to be my husband, my partner in life and my one true love. I will cherish our union and love you more each day than I did the day before. I will trust you and respect you. Laugh with you and cry with you, loving you faithfully through good times and bad regardless of the obstacles we may face together. I love you more than I can hold in my heart and I give you my hand, my heart, my love, from this forwards as long as we both shall live. " Miranda said as she slid his ring on his finger.

Both Miranda and Ben said I do at the same time.

" Well by the power invested in me and the state of Washington. I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss your bride.” The officiant announced and Ben lifted her veil and brought her in for a kiss.

"I love you." Miranda said to Ben after they kissed.

" I love you too. So much." Ben replied.

The broom was laid down and Ben and Miranda walked near it starring at each other silent counting to three. Miranda laughed as they jumped in the air together, jumping over the broom. Ben pulled her to him again and Miranda put her hands flat against his chest as she leaned in for another kiss.

The kiss that they shared made their guest blush.
At the reception. Ben and Miranda laughed and ate with their guest. Miranda curls fell from dancing. She loved to dance and being from the East coast and DMV area, Gogo music was everything to her. So she made sure to have plenty of it at the wedding.

After the reception. Miranda said goodbye to her family and friends. She was excited for their honeymoon. They got a hotel at the Fairmont Olympic hotel; one of the most expensive hotels in Seattle. They were spending the night there and then catching a flight tomorrow morning.

Ben walked Miranda to the car as they waved to the guest. They got into car and Ben put on his seat belt and began driving. Miranda grabbed his face and pecked him on the lips as Ben kept his eyes in the road. "Oh baby. This has been the most beautiful day of my life." Miranda said wiping some of the lipstick off of him.

“Yeah I know I can't believe it." Ben said grabbing her hand and rubbing circles in it with his thumb.

"My heart is still racing." Ben said smiling.

"Aww honey, it is ?" Miranda smiled looking over at him.

"Yes but I feel so good. I'm going to love you forever." Ben said looking over at Miranda.

" I'm going to love you forever too." Miranda said with so much adoration in her voice.

" Who would have every thought the day you chewed my ass out that we would be here now. Ben said smiling and shaking his head.

" I definitely did not foresee us. Until you started making me nervous and I kept loosing what I was going to say or say stupid things." Miranda said as she put her hand in her face laughing.

" I was intrigued with you by how you carried your self and didn't mind telling people about their selves. I never had a women speak to me like that before but when I seen you with out that surgical mask on and gown. I fell in love then." Ben said reminiscing.

“Aww Benjamin Warren, you are gonna make me cry." Miranda said as she grabbed his face and kissed him.
Ben and Miranda turned back to the road. Ben heard Miranda's piercing scream and a car horn as a truck smashed into the front of the car.

Ben opened his eyes slowly as he started to come conscious. He groaned in pain. "Miranda." He called out. When Ben's eyes came to focused and he saw the smoke from the car and glass. The seat where his wife should have been was empty. "Miranda." Ben yelled over and over again.

He unbuckled his seat belt and tried to open the car door but it was stuck. He slowly slid his body up until he could push his self up. Ben pushed up and crawled to the other side and opened the door. He got out of the car and looked around. His head was throbbing and spinning.

Ben saw the bottom of her dress and followed it up. Miranda was laid against the concrete. " Oh my God, Miranda baby are you okay." Ben said as he rushed over to her. Ben looked at her and then over to the car. She was thrown from the car. Ben pressed two fingers against her neck and he felt her pulse but it was faint. He checked all over her body for another injuries but he saw none.

Ben pulled his phone out of his pocket and he dialed 911. He told them what part of the road they were on. Ben looked back over at her and he told himself not to move her. He couldn't risk it. He wanted to make sure she wouldn't suffer any more injuries or make things worse by moving her. Ben sat down beside her and held her hand.

He felt Miranda squeeze it and he looked up and saw he eyes open staring at him. He could see the tears and fear in them.

"Don't worry everything is going to be okay, the ambulance is on their way and I'm not going anywhere I'm going to be right here." Ben said crying as he assured her.

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