wow i think my childhood trauma made me write this whole thing

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been using YouTube to process childhood trauma and apparently unfairness can be a huge trigger for peeps who have been traumatized. basically like if your reality was compromised in favor of the abusive parent's behaviour going unquestioned, to maintain the status quo, you become hyper sensitive to unfairness. I think in my case, especially also being a part of a group that faces discrimination, that manifests as perfectionism and obsession over the percieved fairness or rightness of society. mistakes are UNACCEPTABLE (yes, lemongrab) because in my past there were no small mistakes. there was no it's all gonna be okay. it was be perfect, or be harmed. so, yea. I guess my lil existential crisis wasnt exactly congruent with reality. Maybe the human race isnt as a whole relentlessly pursuing perfection. that's just me :) ahahaha. So, maybe this story CAN have a happy ending. I'm pretty disassociated atm and I can feel my eyes glazed over, but if that does wear off I can maybe incorporate this into the outline

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02, 2022 ⏰

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