loose series of events maybe but also maybe not you just wait and see

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-theres a kid. all I know is that I dont want this kid to be the classic cishet white 14 year old lead protagonist that's in every young adult story. maybe it shouldn't be a kid at all, because even that seems overused and archetype-ified but I'm a kid and I dont know what being an adult is like so I guess that's the best you can get from me isnt it?  Anyway, the kid lives with their currently unspecified parents living life the way a kid does in a pre industrial world. I think I'm gonna start laying down some suggestions of where the plot is gonna go from here, like the beginnings of a young romance perhaps? But my intention with that is to make the story unpredictable; I want the reader to be completely blindsided when the plot changes. Idk if this is just me but every book and every movie I read, I see exactly where the plot is going and i know exactly what the happy ending is gonna be like. Maybe certain details mildly surprise me, but generally that's the case. I get so bored that I dont even really watch TV anymore. I dont want to manufacture another cookie cutter story.

-the kid dies somehow. maybe we see it, maybe we see it through somebody else's eyes, or maybe we dont see it at all and only find out when the will byers style corpse is discovered. Another possibility would be having someone or something witness the death being faked, or a small detail to suggest that. the balance between suspense, curiosity, and surprise at the plot twist is key here. parents grieve, theres a funeral, itll be like a whole thing. probably sprinkle a few red herrings in there.

-we abruptly change perspectives. The kid is confused as fuck and I want it to possibly suggest that it's a memory? something like that so, again, it's not so obvious where the plot is going. but yes, they are being kidnapped. not sure if I want the organization to have an underground facility or what, maybe I'll have it be hidden in the trees, but the kid is taken there. all I really know is that I want it to be intriguing and I dont want too much info released too early in the story.

-this is the part where I lose a teeeny bit of steam. Filler is sorta lame. my main issue is that I dont have a resolution in mind. this whole thing was based on an existential crisis that humanity is inherently self destructive, and I dont know if that's what I actually believe or if I'm just stressed. So how am I supposed to have a creative bridge or whatever it's called if I don't even have an ending? Maybe I dont even want an ending. Not all stories need them. but uh yea pretty strong introduction I feel like but I'm gonna publish this for criticism and give it some more thought. k gonna go pass out on the cold, hard tile for the night, later dude.

-alrighty, next day now. Some committment to this, must be a good sign. So, I'm thinking what if the kid decides to investigate? Like, gets out of the facility somehow. That doesnt feel super original, but it's an idea for some action. I could add some kind of twist to it too. The only thing with that is this organization needs to be very meticulous and intertwined in every aspect of society. That's kind of the whole thing that makes it so unnerving I think. So, wouldn't they be dumb to neglect to tell the kid the truth and educate them on why they have been kidnapped, what their purpose in the organization is, as well as the organization as a whole, and what their (limited) options are? So if the kid is informed, what would drive them to investigate in the first place? rebellion? And even if they did have that drive, wouldn't the security measures be well thought out enough to stop the kid from getting too far? That's a common thing in YA novels, one fucking kid manages to topple an entire well-established institution or whatever the 'bad guy' is in the book. Writing a book like that would feel so naive to me. Maybe having such tight security alone is kind of naive in itself. Life is much more complicated than that.

-ok okok. So, idea. The kid is in a training academy thing for their prescribed role in the organization, and they're in the know about it. We as the readers dont get all the details probably, because there still needs to be some suspense, but yea. The kid knows everything. They escape the facility and make their way to their hometown. I really really like the scene in stranger things, with the aforementioned will Byers' fake corpse, so I might steal that and have the kid find their own fake dead body. That would be fun.

-Then, the kid runs into another kid. Theres probably some suspicion and conflict, but they eventually find out that they're basically in the exact same situation. So, they go about trying to topple this organization because they're tunnel visioned rebellious teenagers, they feel all empowered, you know the drill. Then, the OG kid realizes, wait. fuck. this is dumb. If I topple this organization, I'm basically condemning the world to another cycle of suffering, and maybe humanity wont survive it this time. What's the point? So, they betray their little buddy, also proooobably I'll add some kind of romance between the two of them just for funzies.

-Then, some agents, maybe even kids themselves, suddenly emerge in the midst of the conflict. They're like: Ight guys, you see now? can we get down to business back at the facility now? Do you see we're not actually evil and this entire book is a commentary on a 17 year old's existential crisis while playing minecraft? Cool. Then they go back to the facility. Turns out theres a whole unit because every kid who gets abducted has some kind of mental breakdown, so they just let it play out then take them back. They were being followed and monitored the whole ass time. Maybe the kid's friend ends up getting killed or something because the betrayal and rebellion was just something they couldn't come back from, and this organization is ruthless because it needs to be.

-a happy ending seems so dumb in this story, so I'll finish it out with the kid as an adult, probably some kind of leader, like valedictorian of the secret society, idk. They're not happy, they're not unhappy, they're a little depressed but just trying their best. The end.

I'll maybe go back and change some shit up later but that seems kinda solid to me. Idk what exactly I'm trying to say with this story, except like help what is humanity's purpose? maybe it's a commentary on blind perfectionism and pointless rebellion just because you dont completely like or agree with something bigger than yourself. Maybe it's a jab at the inflated sense of ego and importance that some kids, namely myself, take away from YA novels with kids who's abilities are completely unrealistic. I'm not incredibly happy or satisfied with it. It seems kinda mediocre to me and knowing me I wont even finish it. But yayy I did it I did the outline guys! :P

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