“Bellamy?” Clarke echoes, confused.

“My brother,” the girl qualifies, pointing at the annoying hot guy. “He’s an ass. Sorry he called you out.” Oh, him. She holds out a hand. “I’m Octavia.”

“Clarke,” Clarke introduces, taking Octavia’s hand with a smile. “And don’t worry about your brother. Not your fault he’s an idiot, right?” Octavia laughs.

“I like you, Clarke!” She points to a scrawny boy with big eyes, “That’s Jasper,” and then at a larger, dark-skinned man with a bit of a beard, “and that’s Nathan, but we call him Miller.”

Miller smiles. “Hi.”

“Let’s kick some ass!” Jasper whoops gleefully, high-fiving a very taken aback Clarke. “RED TEAM RULES!”

The employee presses a red button on the wall. “When we enter, red team take a left, and your base will be straight ahead. Blue team follow me. Don’t leave your base until the game starts. You can return to your base to recharge whenever you want during the game, and at the end of every game. For those of you who are more daring and want more points, you get a heck of a lot by shooting your enemy’s base.” He points Clarke’s team towards their base, and starts off in the opposite direction.

The hot guy, Bellamy, lingers for a moment, smirking at Clarke. “See ya out there, Princess. Don’t mess up your hair or anything.”

“Too late for yours,” Clarke replies icily, deciding then and there that she is going to kick his sorry ass. He laughs and follows after his group.

Their base glows bright red, and includes a screen with all of the names and point tallies.

“Well, at least I can camouflage easily,” Wells comments cheerfully. Wick raises an eyebrow.

“Did you just make a black joke?” he asks. Wells grins, and Octavia bursts out laughing. Miller looks over at Clarke, whose eyes are fixed on Bellamy’s name on the television screen.

“You look like a woman on a mission,” he comments. Clarke glances at him.

“I’m going to kick your friend’s ass.”

He chuckles. “Noted.”

An alarm blares, and a mechanical voice from the ceiling announces the first game. A countdown begins, and everyone splits up to find suitable hiding spots.

Clarke treks to a second level platform and ducks behind a small wall. She hears more footsteps approaching, and can hear Raven’s loud not-a-whisper.

“Three . . . two . . . one . . . BEGIN!”

Clarke bursts out of her hiding spot and immediately comes face to face with Raven, who tags her in the shoulder with a joyful whoop.

“Told you this was fun!” she says, running off. Clarke runs back down to the first level to recharge, and finds Jasper crouched there.sick

“What are you doing?” she asks.

“Protecting the base!” he replies. Clarke looks at the scoreboard as her vest hums, recharged. Bellamy is racking up points, and she stands solidly at zero.

“Game on,” she mutters, darting into the fray.

Laser tag turns out to be fun. Nobody obeys the rule about running, so Clarke gets quite a workout in as she tags people left and right. She manages to evade a tag from Lexa, and sends her and a sullen-looking boy with sunken in eyes scrambling back to their base to recharge.

“Impressive,” comes a voice from behind her, prompting Clarke to dive behind a wall.

She can hear Bellamy approaching on the other side, and risks peeking through a small crevice. He’s approaching at a leisurely pace.

Bellarke One Shots Book 2Where stories live. Discover now