You slowly peer your eyes open to look up at the man. The moon shines behind him, casting a shadow over his face. "I want you dead." Mahito casually answers in a matter-of-fact tone. There's a curt smile to his face. One you cast your eyes down to.

Dead? The thought of dying sends you into high alert. You don't want to die. There's too many people you want to live for. There's many more memories to create and sights for you to witness.

Mahito cackles once more as he's pleased to see the fear shine in Y/N's eyes. The girl is trembling as she's kneeling in the snow. The color in her face is paling over as her thoughts are running a thousand miles per second. Oh how he loves that kind of reaction. The reaction of someone fearing for their life. The desperate glow in those beady eyes of humans. It's such a thrill for Mahito.

Now comes the next part, where the human will beg for their life. Mahito quietly waits for Y/N to speak up. Her thoughts seeming to be collected when her wavering eyes stare up at him. The corner of his lip turns into a smirk as he stares directly into her eyes. "Something to say Y/N?"

The only thing you can do is stare at this wicked man. He finds enjoyment from your misery. But the only thing you can question is, "Why?". The single question seems to confuse Mahito. His smirk falls flat and his brows raised.

Mahito scoffs and places his hands on his hips. "Why? Were you not the one who wanted to die so badly on that bridge? You ached the thought of death so much that a hideous cursed spirit lurched onto you to the very end. Until someone had intervened." Mahito squats down, his hand roughly grabbing onto your jaw. He seems furious now as you feel his fingertips dig into your skin.

Clenching your teeth, you hiss at the pain. How did Mahito know this? Was he watching from afar? Had someone as awful as him followed you without your awareness?

A darkness casts over Mahito's eyes as he tightens his grip. Blood now dripping onto the blank white snow. "Do you really think escaping from the Reaper after all these years will be so easy just because you found a bit of happiness these past few months? Don't be fooled Y/N. Remember where you came from." Mahito roughly pulls his hand away from your jaw, relieving you of the pain.

His words begin to cloud your mind. You forced yourself to forget the you before you had been saved by your friends. Now you're being told to recall them? As if. "No. I won't." You speak hesitantly with fear still cloaking over you. Not avoiding eye contact, you stare directly at Mahito who scoffs in your face.

"I'm no longer that girl. So don't tell me to remember her!" You find strength in your voice. "I don't know how you know these dark secrets of mine, but I've grown past those old thoughts. There's someone out there I find worth living for. I can't leave Toge behind to die to someone like you! There's so much more to life for me to see with him." Before you can speak any further the looming darkness of death begins to wrap around you.

A darkness clouds over Mahito's eyes as he grabs hold of your neck. Despite how frail he looks, the man easily lifts you up single-handedly. You're unable to pry his hand away from your neck due to the ropes and breathing begins to be difficult as he chokes you. "Listen here." Mahito's words seethe out from his clench teeth.

You can't do anything but listen to him in your current situation. "I must've let you off too easily. The Reaper is me, Y/N. Death surrounds my every step and to have you be the first to slip away is something I don't take lightly. My underling couldn't handle the job so I've stepped in. I figured your death will be more exciting with more people roped into your measly life."

You're unable to accept what's coming out of Mahito's mouth. But seeing as how he finds pleasure from your pain, it may be possible for him to toy you like this. Mahito with one swift motion tosses you aside as if you're a ragdoll. The impact of the snow hurts as you choke and gasp for oxygen to fill your lungs. Tears begin to brim up in the corner of your eyes as you watch Mahito slowly walk towards you.

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