Part 2: Be Nice

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This is the second part of this 5-part book. Below are the next 11 poems. Please Read until the end of the book to enjoy the full experience.


When you are having a good time,

Time speeds up to get you back to the bad times.

When you are having a bad time,

Time slows down to stop you getting to the good times again,

Thus, is the time paradox of emotion.

So there sat the opposites,

Attracted through ambition, logic and emotion.

Through greed, selfish desire, and ignorance.

As they spoke, every word rung in all four ears,

Reverberating through their minds & souls,

Sparking a shared fire whilst the rest of the billions ignored them.

Midnight came and brought a new change,

The day had ended in darkness,

The new day started in darkness,

And thus, the simplest of choices raced forwards,

For only time makes the decision to move forward,

Souls decide in which direction they move,

Time, constantly leaving souls behind.

Leaving them with death,

Thus, the companions of time and death are aligned.

The First Word

What do you say to a guy pretending not to exist?

Wanting to disappear into thin air.

I can see him looking for me, in the corner of his eye,

This little creeper is definitely interested in me,

This might get weird, but let's have some fun.

I tap him on the shoulder,

His head slowly turns, and he looks surprised,

His eyes looking through mine and it feels like he is looking behind my eyes.

The conversation starts so very slow,

So quiet,

Just a single word from his mouth,

But his heart is pumping hard.

He is definitely not a confident fella,

But he starts opening up to me, the more we speak,

Our souls and minds becoming more intertwined,

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